Farm Progress

5 keys to Mid-South Farm and Gin Show5 keys to Mid-South Farm and Gin Show

The 2014 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show is the South’s 62nd annual premier farm show. Every year, the show gets bigger and better than ever before.

Farm Press Staff

February 21, 2014

3 Min Read

Register online for the 2014 show: Registration is open for the 62nd annual Mid-South Farm and Gin Feb. 28-March 1 at the downtown Cook Convention Center in Memphis.

To register online go to the Farm and Gin Show website, click on the Attendee Registration button, and follow the instructions for completing the form and printing your confirmation. By pre-registering online, you can check in at the pre-registration kiosk and print your name badge. Go online and complete/print the form today.

Download the 2014 Show App: This is the fourth version of the mobile app. “We were one of the first shows to introduce a mobile app for attendees,” says Tim Price, show manager. “Who knew we would be on the cutting edge of this technology?

Thousands of attendees took advantage of the app last year. Join them and others this year by downloading the new version, which is available in the iTunes and Android app stores.”

In addition to schedules of educational seminars and other show events and activities, there’s a map of the convention center with exhibitor booth information, and information on local restaurants and activities. Sign up for alerts to stay connected with the latest information. Watch for notices of when the app will be available and download it at 2014 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show by scanning the QR code on the posters at the show, or from iTunes and the Android app store.

Commodity outlooks: These will be center stage at the Ag Update Sessions. “2013 was a recovery year for much of the nation’s agriculture,” Price says. “Parts of the Mid-South experienced a second year of record-breaking yields. Make sure to attend the Ag Update seminars to get the latest information on what to expect in this crop year.”

There will be updates on all Mid-South crops at the Ag Update Seminars Friday, Feb. 28, and Saturday, March 1. At the Friday seminar, Carl Brothers, Riceland Foods, will provide the outlook for rice and wheat and Joe Nicosia, Louis-Dreyfus, will give the cotton market outlook. Richard Brock, Brock Associates, will cover grains and politics in his session Saturday morning. “Make plans to attend both sessions, as 2014 promises to be another interesting year in agriculture,” Price says.

  Related: Outlook seminars highlight Mid-South Farm and Gin Show

More technology, all the time: “It’s a digital world and hand-held devices continue to change the way farmers do business,” he says. “Auto-steer equipment frees farmers to communicate with those who help solve critical issues, helping them to work smarter and improve their bottom line.” Attend the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show to see the latest apps and other technological innovations that can transform your farm operation.

Celebrate American agriculture: It’s the South’s 62nd annual “premier farm show.” Every year, the show gets bigger and better than ever before, Price says. “Farmers attend this show to connect with other farmers they see only at this show. Take a moment to connect with someone you see here in Memphis each year, and celebrate American agriculture. It all comes together at the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show!”

Show hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. More information is available at 2014 Mid-South Farm and Gin Show or by calling (901) 947-3104.

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