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U of I Tent: See yourself at ACESU of I Tent: See yourself at ACES

The University of Illinois Tent at this year’s Farm Progress Show will offer multiple ways to learn and connect.

Holly Spangler, Prairie Farmer Editor, Farm Progress Executive Editor

August 12, 2021

2 Min Read
University of Illinois students
ENGAGE: Prospective students can learn more about what the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences offers.Holly Spangler

Want to know what “See Yourself at ACES” means?

When you come in the main gate at the 2021 Farm Progress Show, turn right and head for the orange and blue of the University of Illinois Tent.

Located south of the main entrance on West Avenue, the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) will feature a host of ways high school students, producers, community members, alumni and industry experts can get involved with ACES, Illinois Extension and other research efforts.

“Expect even more interactive and fun ways to connect with the ACES and Illinois Extension family this year,” says Kendra Courson, director of special events and interim director of alumni engagement for the College of ACES.

Check out high-tech and hands-on exhibits, grab a free ACES hat or visor (while supplies last), and have some fun with current students, faculty and staff. Plus, look for ACES alumni from far and wide.

The folks from ACES will focus on high-tech work aimed at optimizing farming, including the project AIFARMS — Artificial Intelligence for Future Agricultural Resilience, Management and Sustainability. Think tech, robots, research and more.

“We’re eager to connect with future ACES students and their families and other supporters, including ag teachers, FFA leaders and so many others,” says Laura Mabry, ACES executive director of marketing communications. “We welcome young people to experience the ‘More Than Meets the I’ breadth and depth of ACES majors. They’ll begin to see themselves finding just the right way to change the world” to address “grand challenges related to food and agriculture, family and communities, and the environment.”

Producers and others can take advantage of a variety of activities and information from Illinois Extension’s area inside the tent. Plus, representatives of the Farm Business Farm Management Association will answer visitors’ questions and share information.

Calling all ACES alums

The College of ACES Alumni Association will be greeting alumni in the tent and giving away Illinois and ACES gear to show off their Illini pride during the show.

“The Farm Progress Show brings together alumni and friends of the College of ACES in one location for three days,” Courson says. “We look forward to meeting and visiting with ACES alumni who will be working and visiting the show, including several international alumni who return to the U.S. to attend the show.”

Tune in to FPS exclusive

For even more news you can use, be sure to tune in to AM 1610 on your way to and from the show. College of ACES staff will offer up show traffic and parking updates. The temporary radio station is exclusively for Farm Progress Show information, and can be picked up anywhere within 7 miles of the show site.

The 2021 Farm Progress Show is Aug. 31 to Sept. 2 in Decatur, Ill. Learn more at

About the Author

Holly Spangler

Prairie Farmer Editor, Farm Progress Executive Editor

Holly Spangler has covered Illinois agriculture for over 25 years, bringing meaningful production agriculture experience to the magazine’s coverage. She currently serves as editor of Prairie Farmer magazine and executive editor for Farm Progress, managing editorial staff at six publications across the Corn Belt.

A University of Illinois agricultural communications graduate and award-winning writer and photographer, Holly is past president of the American Agricultural Editors Association. In 2015, she became only the 10th U.S. agricultural journalist to earn the Writer of Merit designation and is a five-time winner of the top writing award for editorial opinion in U.S. agriculture. She is an AAEA Master Writer and was one of 10 recipients worldwide to receive the IFAJ-Alltech Young Leaders in Ag Journalism award. She serves on the Illinois 4-H Foundation and the Illinois Council on Ag Education. Her work in agricultural media has been recognized by the Illinois Soybean Association, Illinois Corn, Illinois Society of Professional Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, and more.

Holly and her husband, John, farm in western Illinois where they raise corn, soybeans and beef cattle on 2,500 acres. Their operation includes 125 head of commercial cows in a cow/calf operation. Locally, she serves on the school board and volunteers with 4-H and FFA. 

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