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Titan to feature iconic tractor at its boothTitan to feature iconic tractor at its booth

Titan and others will still support FFA members through the Farm Progress Show.

Tom J Bechman 1, Editor, Indiana Prairie Farmer

August 26, 2021

2 Min Read
world's largest tractor
WORLD-FAMOUS TRACTOR: The world’s largest four-wheel-drive tractor with the world’s largest farm tires will make the Titan exhibit easy to spot this year.Allison Grettenberg for Titan

Titan International Inc. is making the theme for its booth at the Farm Progress Show easy to figure out this year in Decatur, Ill. The theme is “Go Big,” and the biggest tractor in the world will be parked at Lot 933 to make sure you get the message. Big Bud 747, sporting the world’s largest farm tires, made by Titan, will be at Titan’s exhibit.

Titan says the 1,100-hp tractor is 27 feet long, 25 feet wide and 14 feet tall. Designed by Ron Harmon, it’s owned today by Robert and Randy Williams of Big Sandy, Mont. Both Harmon and the owners will be at the booth. Hear the trio present the history of the tractor at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Aug. 31, followed by a meet-and-greet.

Big Bud 747 won’t be the only tractor star at the Titan booth. Titan will also host Cole the Cornstar and his Case 340 Magnum tractor. It was recently upgraded with Titan LSW Super Single tires. Cole will also offer a brief talk followed by meet-and-great sessions at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Sept. 1.

Titan will also showcase its new products, including the HK 458, an industry unique hybrid wheel loader tire and the new AgraEdge R-1W tire line.

Continuing a tradition, Titan is once again sponsoring wristbands at its booth.

Supporting FFA

Titan is one of three exhibitors directly supporting FFA members with activities:

Titan and FFA. Titan will partner with Indiana FFA and Illinois FFA at the state foundation level to host various fundraising activities for state and local chapters. There will not be a tire auction held this year, but expect FFA members to still be prominent at the Titan display. “Titan has been a long-standing supporter of FFA and the impact it has on students,” says Steve Sloan, Titan. “We are proud to support FFA through various fundraising activities at Farm Progress this year.”

Growmark FS and Illinois FFA. Growmark and FS are sponsoring the “Check In to Cash In” event under the FS tent. FFA chapter members are invited to wear T-shirts provided free by Growmark to the Farm Progress Show and check in at the FS tent. Members should contact their FFA advisor about T-shirts. Even members, parents and supporters of FFA who don’t wear a T-shirt are encouraged to check in at the tent. The Illinois FFA Association will receive $1 for each check-in, up to $5,000, from Growmark, and the five Illinois FFA chapters with the highest number of check-ins will receive $1,000 each.

Farm Credit and FFA soil judging. Farm Credit of Illinois is sponsoring $1,000 in awards for competing soil judging teams from Illinois, and Farm Credit Mid-America is sponsoring $1,000 for Indiana teams and individuals. The Farm Progress invitational soil judging contest will be Aug. 31.

About the Author

Tom J Bechman 1

Editor, Indiana Prairie Farmer

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