November 30, 2018
Minnesota Farmers Union held its 77th annual convention Nov. 16-18 in Minneapolis.
The convention marked 100 years since Minnesota Farmers Union’s presence in Minnesota began with the Rost Center Local in Jackson County.
Convention delegates passed numerous policy resolutions that originated from county Farmers Union organizations. This coming year, at local, state and federal levels, MFU will advocate for health care policy reform, farm bill passage during the lame duck session and an end to trade tariffs that have driven down prices on the farm.
Delegates also unanimously approved a motion to focus the next Rural Voices Discussions on health care.
“We need to stop playing politics with health care policy and find solutions that will benefit everyone,” said MFU President Gary Wertish. “Our members spoke out very strongly about the need to fix our health care policy at our convention, and we urge the next Minnesota Legislature to take action on it.”
Convention delegates elected 10 members to represent Minnesota at the 2019 National Farmers Union Convention, to be held March 3-5 in Bellevue, Wash. They are Vicki Barnes, St. Paul; Rachel Brann, Milaca; Maria Fatz, Waubun; Linda Larson, Rosemount; Eric Monson, Eagle Bend; Peter Schwagerl, Browns Valley; Mary Sullivan, Franklin; Elaine Torpet, Fertile; Cindy VanDerPol, Kerkhoven; and Tim Velde, Granite Falls.
Wertish delivered the convention keynote address, accompanied by the three videos that were shown in the Farmers Union Coffee Shop at the Minnesota State Fair. The videos highlighted Farmers Union history, the importance of local foods and the state of agriculture today. Wertish emphasized that Farmers Union has been working for fair prices for farmers since its beginning and continues to work for them today.
Several other speakers addressed the convention attendees, including Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., who will become chairman of the House Agriculture Committee in January; Sen. Tina Smith, D-Minn., a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee; Roger Johnson, NFU president; Joe Martin, Farm Service Agency Minnesota state executive director; Dave Frederickson, Minnesota agriculture commissioner; Char Vrieze, 40 Square Cooperative Solutions project manager; and Meg Moynihan, Minnesota Department of Agriculture senior adviser for strategy and innovation.
MFU award recipients
MFU honored three individuals and one couple at the annual convention banquet: Don Wick, Red River Farm Network, Ag Communicator of the Year; Mary Nell Preisler, University of Minnesota Extension farmer-lender mediation, Service to Agriculture Award; Dave and Donna Johnson, Otter Tail County, Lifetime Achievement Award; and Wayne Boettcher, retired MFU outreach representative, Dedicated Service to Farmers Union Award.
Source: MFU
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