July 24, 2013
GEOSYS recently announced that it launched its new Field Profit Planner, which is an efficiency tool for farmers and their advisors.
The new cloud-based profit planner allows growers to analyze their fields for productivity and profit potential across the entire farm. Profit analysis for each field is included as part of the standard package. Each grower's individual field costs and yields can be used to calculate returns on each field or variable rate technology (VRT) field zone.
The tool helps all growers regardless of their previous experience with precision agriculture. Norm Davy, GEOSYS senior vice president, pointed out that growers just getting started in high efficiency farming can benefit right from the start: "Our goal with high efficiency farming is to produce more output per unit of input. Whether it be fertilizer, fungicide, seeds or other inputs, we seek to optimize the return." By refining their management approach using the equipment they have already, growers make more informed decisions resulting in more production per unit of input. He also noted that those growers who have access to VRT make swifter strides with better data and decision-making tools.
GEOSYS is providing a turnkey solution to streamline the cumbersome process of getting yield maps into a usable framework for making decisions. The new Harvest Map Processor will accept native files from combines, regardless of format, and process that data into the GEOSYS platform. This standardization process reduces the frustration long associated with loading these files.
For more information, visit geosys.com
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