January 15, 2025

To learn more about a modern and straightforward approach to drainage design with user-friendly online tools and hands-on exercises, consider attending the 2025 Drainage Workshop from March 4-6, sponsored by Michigan State University Extension in partnership with Michigan Land Improvement Contractors of America.
University specialists and drainage industry professionals will offer hands-on training in making contour maps with free QGIS software and exporting the contours to your GPS design and machine software.
They will also offer practical design solutions to drainage questions (main sizing when splitting laterals, address submerged outlet issue), as well as a demonstration of drainage design software. To see it in action, a live demonstration will show how to properly connect a lateral to a main pipe.
View photos of the 2024 Drainage Workshop.
What will you learn?
The drainage design process will include basic design considerations and a step-by-step design procedure. Other topics include:
soils and water movement in soils
subsurface drainage concepts and economics
causes of sediment movement in drainage pipe and remedies
selection of pipe style: four-row or eight-row pipe? sand-slot vs. knitted-sock pipe?
design procedure (a step-by-step guide to design)
legal considerations of drainage
drain spacing tool to maximize profit
determining if drain sedimentation is a problem
properly sizing the main pipe to avoid drainage underperformance with hands-on exercises
practical design solutions to a submerged outlet issue
installation and safety, tile-locating technology
controlled drainage design
conservation drainage: controlled drainage, saturated buffer, blind inlet, shallow drains and drainage water recycling
hands-on training to make contour maps with QGIS free software and exporting data
demonstration of drainage design software
Register before Feb. 11 for a 30% discounted price of $210. The normal registration price will be $300 starting Feb. 11. The registration deadline is Feb. 25.
Source: MSUE
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