Wallaces Farmer

Vote for Iowa’s most beautiful barnVote for Iowa’s most beautiful barn

Iowa has some beautiful barns. Help us vote for the most beautiful one in 2022.

Jennifer Carrico

October 5, 2022

22 Slides
Barn Located near Meyer, Iowa and owned by Tony and Pat Koenigs

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Courtesy of the Koenigs

Iowa has many beautiful barns. Now, it’s your turn to vote on which one is the winner for the 2022 Wallaces Farmer Beautiful Barn Contest.

Voting happens from Oct. 5 to 20, with one vote per device. Winners will be featured on the cover of December Wallaces Farmer.

Owners of the winning barn will also receive a complete photo shoot of their barn, which can include family members, as well as a 16-by-20-inch metal wall art piece of the photo of their choice. In addition, the owners of the first-place barn will receive $100, second place will win $75 and third will get $50.

Winners will be notified by the end of October. Vote today for your favorite.




About the Author

Jennifer Carrico

Jennifer Carrico of Redfield, Iowa, runs a small cow-calf operation with her family. She is a former editor of Wallaces Farmer.

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