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MIDDAY Midwest Digest, Jan. 30, 2019MIDDAY Midwest Digest, Jan. 30, 2019

Max Armstrong talks about relief from the cold weather, a plant construction reconsideration, the winter wheat crop and adding dental services to drug stores.

January 30, 2019

Relief from the cold will happen this weekend when temps rise above freezing across the Midwest.

Th Foxcon project in southeast Wisconsin to construct a plant to employ 13,000 workers is now being reconsidered by the Taiwan-based company. The construction is already underway.

Every year the winter wheat crop is damaged in some places. This year, some of the crop has no insulating snow cover.

More and more, big drugstore chains want to do more and more. Walgreens is planning to move into the dental realm, offering services for cleanings and crowns. 


Photo: ipopba/Getty Images 

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