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MIDDAY-Midwest Digest, February 17, 2020MIDDAY-Midwest Digest, February 17, 2020

Max Armstrong talks about the return of meth, a quick jury verdict and the dangers of grain entrapment

February 17, 2020

Max Armstrong looks back at the meth scourge and it's returning with a new wave sweeping the country, but this time the product is a higher product and more potent. Max shares that in one county in Ohio there were 6,000 meth cases. The jury in Cape Girardeau, Mo., deliberated for a half hour before settling on $250 million in punitive damages in the dicamba case against Bayer and BASF. From This Week in Agribusiness, Max shares a memorable visit with a farmer at the National Farm Machinery Show about a grain entrapment. This is National Grain Bin Safety Week.

Midwest Digest is a twice-daily audio feature produced by Max Armstrong, offering news and commentary from across the Midwest.

And don’t miss Farm Progress America, which runs every day online.

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