October 3, 2018
Media personalities, reporters, chefs, farmers, bloggers and mothers gathered for “Ladies Night Out,” an event hosted by CommonGround, on Sept. 14 at Julie Van Manen's farm near Kellogg in Jasper County, Iowa.
The goal for the evening was to create a relaxing atmosphere that encourages casual conversations about farming, food and life. "It's exciting to share our everyday lives with consumers right here in Iowa," says Van Manen says. "It's our job as farmers to not only grow healthy, quality food but communicate with and answer questions posed by the people who support and buy our products."
CommonGround aims to foster conversations with consumers to sort through the myths and misinformation about food and farming. “When consumers understand that real families are raising their food and that they share common values and expectations, they have more trust in farming,” she says.
A total of 50 farmers and consumers including mothers from the Des Moines metro area were in attendance and enjoyed a tour of the Van Manen’s farm.
The Iowa Corn Promotion Board represents thousands of Iowa farmers who, through their checkoff contributions, are investing in educational programs to inform consumers about products from corn and the stories of Iowa’s farm families.
As a partnership between ICPB, the Iowa Soybean Association, the National Corn Growers Association and the United Soybean Board, the goal is to create awareness and put a face to farm families while talking to women who are purchasing the food for their families.
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“In Iowa, CommonGround volunteers focus on engaging those who make the food purchasing decisions for their families and giving them the tools to make informed food choices,” Van Manen says. Each CommonGround volunteer has her own area of expertise —GMOs, animal welfare, food safety, antibiotics, sustainability, etc.
With so many food choices available for consumers, the farmers of CommonGround serve as a resource to educate families about food and farming. The program is important for Iowa Corn and other partners. As consumers get further away from the farm, the more questions they have about the food they feed their families.
“Our purpose is to create awareness of the importance of farmers and agriculture, and answer questions consumers and nonfarmers have about food and farming,” Van Manen says.
Visit findourcommonground.com.
Source: Iowa Corn Growers Association
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