Here at Farm Progress, we write a lot about mental health, and for good reason. These are not the easiest times to be in agriculture. But what about your physical health — staying fit even when you’re not active farming? Do modern farmers need to exercise more, despite working in a physically demanding occupation?
The short answer: Yes, for two important reasons.
A National Institutes of Health study of 11,000 people aged 50 and over shows that physical activity is the largest indirect way to boost both physical and mental health. Staying active when you’re not doing farmwork is a proven way to help improve your mood and your physical health. Studies show that regular exercise lowers cardiovascular disease and substance abuse.
Getting physically active isn’t a cure-all for physical or mental health. Genetics, abuse, stress, life, family, etc., all contribute to your total health picture.
Fitness is just a piece of the puzzle. When things get too much, reaching out to friends, family, clergy and mental health professionals is the best thing to do.
That said, I do know that I can turn a bad mood around by going for a run. I never regret going for a swim, whether that’s in a pool, a lake or a river. And long bike rides on gravel roads are almost always a cure for a case of the blues.
More sitting time
Second, farming today is a mix of less manual labor and more automation and machine use. There’s been a major shift toward mechanization over the past few decades. Just ask your grandfather about the physical labor tasks farming demanded “back in the day.”
So despite working in a physically demanding job, a lot of time is spent sitting in tractor and truck cabs, or ciphering marketing plans in the farm office. Farming is getting closer to a desk job.
Of course, if you’re a dairy farmer, you’re probably doing just fine in the fitness department. But crop farmers know there are busy times and quiet times throughout the year.
New Year’s resolution
Perhaps you decided that this year is the year to get physically healthy. Congrats, you’ve already made it past “Quitters’ Day,” the second Friday in January when most people drop their resolution.
Maybe you’re already fit and just looking for some tips on how to stay that way.
This new column is here to talk about getting and staying physically fit and creating behaviors that lead to your wellness, physical and mental. We’ll talk to experts and your fellow farmers and ranchers. We’ll also dive into eating habits and perhaps even participate in some events along the way.
My background is purely recreational when it comes to working out. I’ve raced in triathlons for over a decade, including finishing my first full Ironman race in Texas last year. I’ve completed a handful of ultra-marathons as well, including the 100-mile Rocky Raccoon trail run.
I am also enthusiastic about things like barbecue, loafing around and cold adult beverages. So, it’s not all fitness 24/7 for me.
Like many of you, I’m a regular guy with a streak of masochism. I’m 56 years old and didn’t get fit until a little over 10 years ago. If you’re looking for superhuman feats and ripped abs, perhaps I could interest you in a David Goggins video (language warning).
Agriculture is a business that often requires strength and endurance. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is practically the job description. Just being in this industry already has you halfway there. If it’s time to take the next step, join in the fun and follow along here.
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