February 28, 2020

Delegates to the American Farm Bureau Federation's annual convention re-elected Scott VanderWal, Volga, S.D., as vice president of AFBF for another two-year term.
VanderWal is the president of South Dakota Farm Bureau and a third-generation corn and soybean farmer and cattle feeder.
At the national convention, Nick and Bekah Ihnen, Tulare, S.D., placed among the Top 10 contestants in the Young Farmer and Rancher Excellence in Agriculture Competition.
The Excellence in Agriculture competition recognizes young farmers and ranchers who do not derive the majority of their income from an agricultural operation, but who actively contribute and grow through their involvement in agriculture, their leadership ability and participation in Farm Bureau and other organizations.
Representing SDFB, Matt Smith, of Hitchcock, competed in the Young Farmer and Rancher Discussion Meet Competition.
Voting delegates who represented SDFB at the policy session included Jeffery Gatzke, Hitchcock; Jerry Runia, Esteline; and Cindy Foster, Fulton.
Source: South Dakota Farm Bureau, which is solely responsible for the information provided and is wholly owned by the source. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.
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