It all started during the early days of COVID-19. We had this idea of writing up virtual tours of some of our favorite locations and places of history, culture, agriculture and interest around our great state.
As editors, we travel to every nook and cranny of Nebraska, so we already had many of the photos we needed. As we compiled several virtual tour photo galleries and posted them online in 2020, we had an epiphany. Maybe, just maybe, our readers would enjoy these features in print as well.
Down the Road was born.
Starting in January 2021, we have featured Down the Road stops in what was our Country Life (now Rural Living) pages of every print issue of Nebraska Farmer. Over the course of the year, we’ve featured cool ag sites, museums, state parks, geographic locations and more from across the state.
As we close down 2021, we wanted to offer you a recap of those places we have featured. Enjoy these features as you click through our photo gallery.
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