May 26, 2010
Springtime means wildflowers are blooming on the prairie.
The Flint Hills and tallgrass prairie are home to hundreds of species of native flowers and spring is the best time to enjoy them, says Valerie Wright, education director for Kansas State University's Konza Environmental Education Program.
On June 6 from 6:30 to 9 p.m., the public will get a chance to see the prairie in bloom and get answers to their questions when K-States hosts the Konza Prairie Biological Station's annual Friends of the Konza Prairie Wildflower Walk along the Butterfly Hill Trail near the Konza headquarters.
Guided tours of the 1.2-mile will be offered by reservation at a cost of $7 per person. The proceeds help support the Konza Environmental Education Program. Reservations will be taken until Monday, May 31, by leaving a message with the number in your party at 785-587-0441.
The Friends of the Konza Prairie also will be offering merchandise for sale at the tour, including Konza Prairie T-shirts, hats, posters and other items.
More information on the Friends of the Konza Prairie Wildflower Walk is available on the Web at or by sending an e-mail to [email protected].
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