March 24, 2016
USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service will approve the petition for unregulated status for Monsanto dicamba and glufosinate herbicide-resistant corn.
The agency, using analyses of field and laboratory data submitted by Monsanto, references provided in the petition from Monsanto, peer-reviewed publications and other information, determined that MON 87419 is unlikely to pose a plant pest risk.
APHIS approves two GM corn traits. (Photo: Fuse/Thinkstock)
With the approval of nonregulated status, APHIS authorizations previously required for environmental release, interstate movement or importation will no longer be required. However, importation of the seeds, other propagative material or grain for consumption remains subject to APHIS foreign quarantine notices.
Read more:
Rueters – USDA regulators clear two GM corn traits – Monsanto wants to use dicamba to diversify and provide long-term growth as glyphosate faces competition from generic products.
RT – USDA okays Monsanto’s herbicide resistant GMO corn without permits – Farmers will now be able to plant the corn without permits. The status was approved despite unfavorable statements during public comment period.
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