July 2, 2024
American farmers and ranchers are domestic economic drivers, according to the USDA Economic Research Service.
In 2022, U.S. farm and food product exports generated a total economic output of $412 billion — or, for every $1 of U.S. agricultural product exported, an average of $2.09 was generated in domestic economic activity.
In general, increased exports of agricultural products lead to higher demand for transportation services, packaging materials or financial services, creating additional economic activity and employment opportunities. USDA ERS estimates the additional value of economic activity generated annually by agricultural exports using an agricultural trade multiplier model. This model measures the employment and output effects of trade in farm and food products on the U.S. economy.
In 2022, the value of U.S. agricultural exports, comprising both commodities and food products, reached $197.4 billion. In turn, these exports generated an additional $214.6 billion in economic activity. Included in this activity, the services, trade and transportation sector generated an estimated $73.6 billion.
On the farm, agricultural exports supported business activities valued at $70.4 billion. An additional $52.5 billion was created through other manufacturing activities, along with a further $18.1 billion associated with food processing. Learn more at Agricultural Trade Multiplier, May 2024.
Fall and winter Sorghum Connection field days set
A new series of sorghum programs, “Sorghum Connection” is set for this fall and winter at sites across Kansas, according to Rodrigo Onofre, Kansas State University Research and Extension row crop specialist, who is also the Sorghum Connection coordinator.
Sorghum Connection is a collaboration among the K-State Department of Plant Pathology, K-State Research and Extension and the Kansas Grain Sorghum Commission. Each event will present multi-disciplinary, data-driven information that producers can use to improve their productivity and profitability. Topics to be covered include: fertility, plant breeding, weed and disease management, marketing, insect control and more.
The large field schools will be at locations across the state during the season in September. Winter schools will be held Dec. 4-5. See the full schedule in the Agronomy eUpdate June 20th, 2024.
Child care grant program open
Patterson Family Foundation, Kansas City, Kan., has launched its Rural Child Care 2024 grant program. These grants are for child care centers run by public school districts and nonprofit community-based organizations. Funding is meant to help organizations preparing to open new child care centers, as well as those existing child care centers that want to increase their capacity, ages served or hours of operation. Organizations must be a licensed child care center or have a temporary operating permit to be eligible for the grant.
The application window began June 26 and lasts until July 30, with funds being disbursed by the end of September 2024. Learn more at pattersonfamilyfoundation.org/grant.
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