Wallaces Farmer

Turn forage crops and grasslands into profit centersTurn forage crops and grasslands into profit centers

Producer speakers at 2016 Iowa Forage and Grassland Conference will share their money-making management practices.

January 19, 2016

2 Min Read

If you're looking for ways to make money producing forage crops and grazing livestock, plan to attend the 2016 Iowa Forage and Grasslands Conference Jan. 21-22 in Ames. This year's conference features several producer speakers sharing their grazing management experiences. The mix of invited grazing specialists and other speakers who are successful forage producers and marketers makes this year's event special.


On Thursday Jan. 21 farmer Jeff Liston will share his experience with a SARE producer grant looking at early-season managed grazing. Thursday evening a panel on using cover crops for forage includes experiences from farmers Bruce Carney and Tim Palmer. Later that evening several grazing topics will be explored at "discussion tables."

Various forage-related topics, plus contract grazing panel
On Friday the session begins with the IFGC annual meeting, featuring a presentation by the year's Iowa Livestock/Forage Producer Award winner Ryan Herman. He will talk about the Herman family farming operation. The Friday morning session will close with a panel on contract grazing which will include the experiences of producers Dan Hostetler, John Schulte and Ryan Herman.

The 2016 IFCG conference is set for Jan. 21-22 at the Iowa State University Alumni Center, just south of Stephens Auditorium at the Iowa State Center in Ames. Registration begins at noon with the first session at 12:30 on January 21, and adjourns at 11:30 a.m. on January 22. The Practical Farmers of Iowa (PFI) conference immediately follows, starting at noon in the Scheman Center.

Speakers to share forage production and grazing expertise
"Thanks to support from the North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and education (SARE) program, the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, the Iowa Beef Center, and many forage partners of IFGC, the cost to attend is low," says Joe Sellers. "To attend both days of the IFGC conference or the PFI conference, members pay just $40 in advance or $50 at the door. Non-members pay $60 or $70 respectively."

Single day rates for members are $25 in advance or $35 at the door, with non-members paying $35 in advance or $45 at the door. The 2016 IFGC dues (year runs from Jan.1 to Dec. 31) are $35 for producers and the public, and $90 for industry, and can be paid on the registration form, he said.

The registration form is available on the IBC website http://www.iowabeefcenter.org/events/IFGCconfreg2016.pdf

The 2016 Iowa Forage and Grassland Conference will also feature presentations by university forage and livestock specialists and other experts, including Bruce Anderson, Jim Elizondo, Jim Russell, Joe Sellers, Brian Peterson, Dave Miller, Dan Loy and Erika Lundy. For more information contact Sellers by phone at 641-774-2016 or by email at [email protected].

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