May 10, 2014

CATTLE COUNT: Iowa ranks seventh of all states in number of cattle and calves and fourth in number of cattle on feed. There are 21,000 farms in Iowa that have beef cows and 7,845 feedlots in the state.
Each spring the Iowa Beef Industry Council works with the governor's office to proclaim May Beef Month in Iowa. An official proclamation recognizes the importance of Iowa's beef industry to the state's economy. Iowa is a major beef producing state with nearly 3.70 million head of cattle in 2014. The beef industry contributes greatly to the state by generating in excess of $5.5 billion annually in business activity, creating jobs for nearly 40,000 Iowans. Today's beef is a naturally nutrient rich food providing protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins. Beef producers are the original environmentalists working to conserve the soil as cattle eat grass and other forages. Iowa is a leader in the export of value-added products, shipping high-quality Iowa beef to other countries around the world.
There is an ever-increasing need for better understanding of the benefits beef provides to all Iowans. Have some fun testing your knowledge and learning more by taking the following quiz prepared by the Iowa Beef Industry Council and the Iowa Cattlemen's Association.
Beef Trivia Challenge
What Steak Am I?
Q: What is the name of this steak? This name is the steak which is actually a recipe for a large tenderloin steak for two people. It was created during Napoleon's era, for a French author and statesman. The steak is usually broiled and served with a béarnaise sauce. A: Chateaubriand
Q: What is the name of this steak? This steak name is actually a recipe which was created in a city in England; the recipe was first printed in the U.S. in 1946. The traditional recipe calls for flank steak that is marinated and broiled or grilled, and served by carving in thin slices. Other cuts besides flank can be used. A: London Broil
Q: What is the name of this steak? This steak was named after porter houses, or coach stops, where in the early 1800s, travelers stopped to dine on steak and ale. This steak became popular in the U.S. around 1814 when a New York City porter house keeper began serving it. A: Porterhouse steak
Q: What is the name of this steak? This American "steak" is actually an oval ground beef patty, usually seasoned with onion and broiled or grilled. It is often served with brown gravy. It is named after the 19th century physician who recommended that beef, particularly chopped or minced beef, be eaten three times a day to ward off many ailments including anemia, asthma, rheumatism & tuberculosis. A: Salisbury steak
Test Your Cattle IQ
Q: The first beef cattle in the U.S. were what breed? A: The first "beef on the hoof" were Longhorns, brought into the southwest by the Spaniards in the early 1500s.
Q: Which Iowa county has the most beef cattle? A: Sioux County
Q: Beef cattle are raised in how many Iowa counties? A: All 99
Q: What breed of cattle was begun in Iowa, near St. Mary's? A: Polled Herefords
Q: Where does Iowa rank compared to other states for the number of all cattle and calves? A: Seventh
Q: What was the total cattle inventory in Iowa on January 1, 2014? A: 3.70 million
What Do You Know About Nutrition?
Q: One 3-ounce serving of beef provides how many essential nutrients? A: 10:
protein, iron, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, riboflavin,
niacin and choline.
Q: Beef has Z.I.P. What does ZIP stand for? A: Zinc, Iron, and Protein;
beef is a good source of these nutrients.
Q: According to the USDA MyPlate, a serving size of beef is how many ounces? A:
serving of beef is 3 ounces, cooked and trimmed. This is about the size of a smart
Q: One 3-ounce serving of beef provides how much of your daily recommended protein? 1.) 10%; 2.) 25% or 3.) 51%? A: The correct answer is (3); a 3-ounce serving of beef provides 51% of your daily recommended protein.
Q: To what temperature should ground beef be cooked? A: Ground beef should be cooked to a safe and savory temperature of 160 degrees F - the center of the burger is no longer pink and the juices run clear.
Just for Fun
Q: What is the current nationally advertised slogan for beef? A: "Beef. It's What's for Dinner."
Q: What is the music in the "Beef. It's What's For Dinner" commercial? A: Rodeo by Aaron Copeland
Q: Top quality leather basketballs are made from cowhides. How many basketballs can
be made from one cowhide? A: 11, according to Wilson Sporting Goods Company
Q: How many top quality leather baseballs can be made from just one cowhide? A: 144
Q: What are NFL footballs made of? A: Cowhide
Q: What is the most popular holiday for barbecuing? 1) Memorial Day; 2) Fourth of July; Labor Day? A: The correct answer is (2). A majority (70%) of grill owners barbecue on the Fourth of July. Memorial Day is the second most popular with 62% while Labor Day is third with 55%.
Q: Name at least five beef cattle breeds found in Iowa? A: Angus, Belted
Galloway, Charolais, Chianina, Gelbvieh, Hereford, Limousin, Lowline, Maine-
Anjou, Red Angus, Salers, Shorthorn, Simmental, South Devon
Beef Facts from the Iowa Beef Industry Council
The United States and Brazil are the top beef producing countries in the world. In the United States, Texas has the most beef cows. Iowa ranks 10th in the number of beef cows.
It takes the leather from 3.8 steers to manufacture the 72 footballs used in the Super Bowl. CATTLE outnumber HUMANS in nine states: Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma and Wyoming. Agricultural land provides FOOD and habitat for 75% of the nation's wildlife. Hamburger meat from a single steer will make about 720 quarter pound hamburger patties. That's enough for a family of four to enjoy hamburgers each day for nearly six months. Christopher Columbus brought the first cattle to the western hemisphere on his second voyage in 1494. 98.3% of U.S. farms are owned by families, family-held corporations or family partnerships. Adding lean beef to the most recommended heart-healthy diet can lower heard disease risk by reducing levels of total and LDL "bad" cholesterol.
Iowa's Beef Cattle Industry Statistics
Total Cattle Inventory in Iowa (as of January 1, 2014) 3,700,000
State Rank All Cattle and Calves (January 1, 2014) Seventh
USDA Cattle on Feed in Iowa (January 1, 2014) 1,230,000
State Rank Cattle and Calves on Feed (January 1, 2014) Fourth
Yearly Fed Cattle Marketings (2013) 1,879,000
Percentage of U.S. Grain Fed Beef Produced in Iowa (2013) 7.63%
Number of Feedlots (2007) 7,845
Number of Cattle Operations (2007) 30,000
Number of Farms with Beef Cows (2007) 21,000
Number of Beef Cows (January 1, 2014) 885,000
State Rank Number of Beef Cows (January 1, 2014) 10th
Number of Farms with Dairy Cows (2007) 2,400
Number of Dairy Cows (January 1, 2014) 205,000
State Rank Number of Dairy Cows (January 1, 2014) 12th
Cash Receipts from Cattle and Calves (2012) $3.842 Billion
Iowa Jobs Directly Related to the Cattle Industry (2012) 5,815
Iowa Jobs Indirectly related to the Cattle Industry (2012) 7,650
Corn Used in Beef Production (2006) 148 mil bushels
Iowa's cattle industry contributes in excess $5.5 billion in business activity to
Iowa's economy
Sources: Department of Economics, Iowa State University; Iowa Agricultural Statistics, U.S. Department of Agriculture; 2013 Cattle Inventory Report National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
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