Ohio Farmer

Ohio Corn and Wheat political action committee earns national awardOhio Corn and Wheat political action committee earns national award

The group was named the 2023 Outstanding PAC for Associations.

March 17, 2023

1 Min Read
 beautiful orange sunset disappears over a large field of wheat
OUTSTANDING PAC: The Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association Political Action Committee was named the 2023 Outstanding PAC for Associations. allou/Getty Images

Representing the interests of about 30,000 Ohio grain producers, the Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association Political Action Committee has been ramping up its voice to represent Buckeye growers by restructuring, reimagining and rebuilding.

It recently garnered national attention from the Public Affairs Council and was recognized as the 2023 Outstanding PAC for Associations.

The award is given to one association and one corporate entity by the Public Affairs Council every year. Candidates are chosen from every corner of the country.

Less than 1% of Americans today live on farms, “and the general public has very little understanding of the complexity of the business of agriculture and what goes into putting the food they eat in grocery stores and on their kitchen tables,” says Denny Vennekotter, PAC board chair and grower from Putnam County.

“The issues that affect farming — trade, crop insurance, conservation, biofuels, water quality, and on and on — are huge. That’s why it’s so important that growers make their voices heard through their respective PACs. We’re excited to be making it easier for them to do so effectively, in a way that reflects their deepest values.”

To advance those efforts, this year the association raised $142,000 directly and increased its participation rate by 50%.

“We are incredibly proud to be a public voice for our fellow farmers,” Vennekotter says. “We're seeing real results with more and more growers getting involved every year. I think it shows our people care deeply about making a difference and fighting for Ohio farms.”

To learn more about the Ohio Corn and Wheat PAC, visit ohiocornandwheat.org

Source: Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association

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