April 4, 2016
“Pesticides registered for use on hops in Michigan 2016” has been newly updated and is available at Michigan State University Extension’s Hops website. OMRI-approved pesticides for organic hop production and pesticides for conventional production are included. New to the guide is a page on how to calculate application rates for banded applications of herbicides and weed management tips for best results. The herbicide section has been reorganized to reflect herbicides categorized as pre-emergence and post-emergence.
MSU offers up new listing for pesticides for hops
Also new to the guide are fact sheets on downy mildew in Michigan hopyards and powdery mildew in Michigan hopyards. Downy mildew is the most serious disease problem facing Michigan hop growers. The fact sheet provides information about the disease cycle, how to identify and manage downy mildew and photos of field symptoms. The powdery mildew fact sheet contains similar information. While powdery mildew is a much more serious disease in western states, it is an emerging disease problem in Michigan hopyards.
Fungicides in the guide are listed by common name and mode of action code (FRAC). The FRAC (Fungicide Resistance Action Committee) code is a useful tool to help growers select and rotate fungicides with different modes of action to help delay fungicide resistance. The single site fungicides are listed first, then multi-site fungicides, followed by premixes and fungicides that are derived from microorganisms and naturally-occurring substances.
The insecticide and miticide section of the guide has been rearranged to list specific miticides first, followed by insecticides. Be sure to read and follow the label. Although efforts have been made to check the accuracy of information presented at the time of printing, it is still the responsibility of the person using the information to verify it is correct by reading the corresponding pesticide label in its entirety before using the product. Labels can and do change – Greenbook, CDMS and Agrian are free online databases for looking up label and SDS information.
For more information, visit http://www.msue.msu.edu.
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