February 16, 2015
Parents looking for educational and enjoyable activities for their children from March through August can check out the following offerings by the Michigan State University (MSU) College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and MSU Extension.
March 22-25 -- 4-H Capitol Experience is an annual four-day conference that focuses on civic engagement and public policy. Participants interact with legislators, state agency staff members, lobbyists and other resource people to learn how policy is made. Visit http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events/4-h_capitol_experience.
MSU announces fun and educational summer programs
March 28 -- Vet-A-Visit is the MSU College of Veterinary Medicine's annual open house. The college is proud to show off state-of-the-art facilities while teaching guests about the fascinating world of veterinary medicine. See http://cvm.msu.edu/alumni-friends/vetavisit.
April 18 -- Small Animals Day is sponsored by the CANR Student Senate. Milk a cow, hold a baby chick or pet other animals. More information is at http://www.canr.msu.edu/events/small_animals_day_1.
June 15-19 -- Michigan 4-H Animal and Veterinary Science Camp is a five-day program where youth will explore fields relating to animals and veterinary medicine, and take part in numerous hands-on learning activities. Participants will gain animal-handling experience while having the opportunity to visit and explore MSU farms and facilities. For details, visit http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events/4-h_animal_and_veterinary_science_camp.
June 24-26 -- 4-H Exploration Days lets students participate in learning sessions and other activities to gain life skills such as responsibility, confidence, independence, accountability, problem solving, decision making and time management. Visit http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events/4-h_exploration_days.
June 30-July 2 -- Grandparents University allows grandparents and grandchildren to enjoy the college experience of living in the residence halls, attending classes across campus and sampling the many highlights of MSU. Information is at http://www.grandparents.msu.edu/.
July 6-10 -- 4-H Renewable Energy Camp is a five-day camp that allows campers to explore ideas, research and opportunities in the field of energy as it relates to agriculture and natural resources. Students engage in learning experiences at the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Carbon Green BioEnergy, wind farms, MSU research laboratories and the MSU Power Plant. For details, visit http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events/4_h_renewable_energy_camp.
July 12-17 -- ANR Institute for Multicultural Students (AIMS) is a one-week program that gives high school students broad exposure to the food and agricultural sciences, natural resources and related fields. During the participants' stay on campus, they take part in demonstrations, tours and other hands-on activities designed to give them a sampling of what agriculture and natural resources has to offer. For more information, visit http://www.canr.msu.edu/pre_college/anr_institute_for_multicultural_students_aims.
July 12-17 -- Pre-College Leadership Program (PCLP) is a one-week summer experience that gives Native American youth the opportunity to experience college life and explore the many exciting educational opportunities available at MSU. For details, visit http://www.canr.msu.edu/pre_college/pre-college_leadership_program.
July 12-Aug. 7 -- Multicultural Apprenticeship Program (MAP) is a four-week program that gives high school students the opportunity to experience college life and to explore the many exciting educational and career opportunities in the agricultural and food sciences, natural resources and related fields. Check it out at http://www.canr.msu.edu/pre_college/multicultural_apprenticeship_program_map.
July 26-31 -- ANR Institute for Multicultural Students - Bilingual (AIMS-B) offers the same opportunities as the AIMS program, but AIMS-B is offered to bilingual students, particularly students with a migrant background. Find more information at http://www.canr.msu.edu/pre_college/anr_institute_for_multicultural_students-_bilingual_aims-b.
Aug. 2-8 -- Michigan 4-H Great Lakes and Natural Resources Camp lets campers, both 4-H members and nonmembers, enjoy all the usual fun camp activities and also learn about science in interesting, hands-on ways. For more information, visit http://4h.msue.msu.edu/events/glnrc.
Visit these places on the MSU campus with the kids:
The MSU Dairy Plant makes and packages delicious ice creams and cheeses, which are sold in the Dairy Store. The plant is equipped with a state-of-the-art processing system. More information is at http://dairystore.msu.edu/.
4-H Children's Garden is full of fun things to do, such as find Lamb's Ear and feel the leaves, sit on the sheep and have someone take your picture, check out the Pizza Garden, find some chocolate mint and smell it, go over the Monet Bridge, wander through the Alice in Wonderland Maze ? but don't get lost -- dance on the dance chimes, and have a great time! Visit http://4hgarden.cowplex.com/ for a preview.
MSU Bug House features insects and learning. In addition to viewing the amazing pinned displays, visitors can interact with a whole room of insects, including walking sticks and tarantulas. Check it out at http://www.ent.msu.edu/bughouse.
Find all summer program and camp information at www.canr.msu.edu/pre_college or Spartan Youth! To request a copy of a Sparty poster with all these activities listed, email Leo Savala, director of CANR undergraduate diversity, at [email protected].
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