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MPCA seeks public comment on Two Rivers Watershed studiesMPCA seeks public comment on Two Rivers Watershed studies

Comments will be taken until Jan. 23 on the proposed actions. If completed, the actions are estimated to cost $75 million over 10 years.

December 31, 2018

3 Min Read
autumn marsh landscape
ADDED PROTECTION: Citizens are asked to comment on two new studies released by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that suggest ways to clean up and protect the Two Rivers Watershed in the northwest corner of the state.Susan Rydberg/Getty Images

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and local watershed partners are recommending a number of water quality protection actions following the release of two new studies focused on the Two Rivers Watershed in northwest Minnesota.

The Two Rivers Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Study and Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy (WRAPS) Report studies found that about 79% of streams in the watershed have been altered to promote soil drainage. Alterations such as stream channelization and ditching have had a negative impact on water quality, as well as on fish and aquatic insect communities affected by low flows, low dissolved oxygen levels and poor habitat, a MPCA news release said.

In addition, some stream reaches are impaired for human recreation due to excessive levels of E. coli bacteria.

The Two Rivers Watershed comprises about 1,098 square miles and includes portions of Kittson, Roseau and Marshall counties.

The public has until 4:30 p.m. Jan. 23 to comment on the studies.

Most watershed land in study private
The majority of land in the watershed is privately owned and farmed — 63% is used to grow crops. While landowners have long been engaged in good land stewardship practices, the Two Rivers TMDL Study and WRAPS Report recommend widespread changes to restore and protect water quality and aquatic life in streams and ditches. These include increased use of water impoundments, buffer strips and other actions to reduce erosion and runoff.

The TMDL Study quantifies the recent pollutant levels in bodies of water, identifies pollution sources, and proposes ways to return water quality to an acceptable level. In contrast, the WRAPS Report identifies impaired bodies of water and those in need of protection, and identifies actions needed to achieve and maintain water quality.

The TMDL Study estimates that based on cost estimates from current, planned and proposed work in the watershed, it would cost about $75 million over 10 years to reduce sediment and phosphorus in impaired waters. Money would be spent primarily on practices such as regional water retention projects, riparian vegetative buffers, sediment best management practices (water and sediment control basins, and side inlets), pasture management, conservation tillage, vegetative practices, wetland restorations, rain gardens, urban best management practices and structural practices (e.g., feedlot upgrades and improvements, grade stabilizations, grass waterways, etc.).

To read both the TMDL Study and WRAPS Report, visit the MPCA  Two Rivers Watershed webpage.

The reports may also be reviewed at the MPCA office at 714 Lake Ave., Suite 220, Detroit Lakes.

Mail comments on the draft reports to Danielle Kvasager, 714 Lake Ave., Suite 220, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501, or by email to [email protected]. Call her to offer comments at 218-846-8117.

Comments must be received by 4:30 p.m. Jan. 23.

Written comments must include a statement of your interest in the Two Rivers TMDL Study and/or WRAPS Report; a statement of the actions you wish the MPCA to take, including specific references to sections of the draft Study and/or Report you believe should be changed; and specific reasons for your position.

Source: MPCA


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