October 26, 2018
Limagrain Cereal Seeds has a new hard red spring wheat for 2019. It performs well from western North Dakota to the Red River Valley. The company says it’s ideal for higher moisture and high management scenarios where lodging can be expected. Cannon is higher yielding and has excellent straw strength. It is 3 inches shorter than LCS Rebel. It is moderately resistant to head scab.
Limagrain reports that it has more certified LCS Rebel and LCS Trigger seed available this year than last year. Both varieties sold out in 2018.
LCS Rebel performs well from Montana to Minnesota. It has excellent yield potential and its protein is consistently 14-15%, according to the company.
The LCS’ hard red spring wheat portfolio also includes LCS Breakaway, LCS Prime, LCS Nitro and LCS Pro. LCS hard red winter wheats bred for the Northern Plains include LCS Mint, LCS Chrome and LCS Link.
For more information about LCS wheat varieties for the Northern Plains, contact LCS Regional Sales Manager Russell Oberg at [email protected] or 701-799-8028 or visit limagraincerealseeds.com/northern-plains.
Source: Limagrain Cereal Seeds
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