Farm Progress

Farm Progress America, Jan. 15, 2025Farm Progress America, Jan. 15, 2025

Mike Pearson tells listeners how the dairy herd size in North Dakota is doubling and one farm is responsible for it.

January 15, 2025

Mike Pearson takes a look at how one single dairy will double the number of dairy cows in the state of North Dakota.

The North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality recently approved a permit for Riverview Farms in Richland County, which is south of Fargo, North Dakota.

It will be come one of the largest dairy farms in the state.

The new dairy is expected to more than double the state's milk cow population and cost $90 million in construction.

This is a big deal since the number of dairy cows dwindled from 93,000 in 1980 to 10,000 currently in the state.

This approval has been met with controversy.

The dairy will sits on an aquifer that supplies water wells to communities.

Area resident have shared concerns about groundwater contamination and odors among other environmental impacts.

The state has added stricter ground water monitoring for the aquifer as a condition of the permits.

Manure management has also been scrutinized due to Riverview Farms having to manage 106.7 million gallons manure.

The farm contents it will be using it as fertilizer and bedding at the farm.

Critics say it could lead to significant pollution, however, the permit requires synthetic covers for wastewater pits and emergency action plans for potential spills.

Although some are looking at the broader impacts in communities as the smaller family owned dairies will face more competition and they wonder about the quality of the jobs and if local workers will benefit from them.

Related:Don’t sit back and watch the cattle market cycle

Riverview Farms shows a commitment to the community and the farm and has identified crop land to spread manure and meet state management requirements while boosting the economy.

Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Mike Pearson, farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness.

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