August 6, 2024
Mike Pearson tells listeners how what they are seeing at local farmland auctions is happening across the country-- values continue to increase.
The USDA released a real estate report recently and it shows how values climbed to $4,170 an acre-- a 5 percent increase from 2023.
However, if you canter on cropland, it increased to $5,570 an acre-- up $250 from 2023.
Colorado, New Jersey and Montana are the only areas to report a small decrease.
However, Tennessee saw the biggest increase in value -- 10.9 percent.
The Appalachian states reported an 8.5 percent increase.
The Northern Plains reported a 6.6 percent increase to $4,040.
In the Corn Belt, farmers saw farmland increase 4.5 percent to $8,560.
Cash rents increased 5 percent to $160; irrigated land is now renting for $245 and dry land rent is going for $146 per acre.
The USDA showed pastured land is going for $1,830 an acre up $90.
Farm Progress America is a daily look at key issues in agriculture. It is produced and presented by Mike Pearson, farm broadcaster and host of This Week in Agribusiness.
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