June 18, 2003
The Edisto Research and Education Center, the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, and the South Carolina Watermelon Association and Board are pleased to announce that the Third Annual Watermelon and Vegetable Field day will be held at the Edisto Research and Education Center in Blackville, S.C. The field day will be on Thursday, July 10, beginning at 3:30 PM.
The field research tours will include:
Seedless watermelon variety trial with 15 different varieties.
Palm or Personal seedless watermelon variety trial with 13 different varieties. These are small seedless watermelons, which range in size from 4 to 8 pounds.
Row spacing study where 6, 9 and 12 foot row spacing is being compared.
Nutrient study with Helena's slow release fertilizer and Hydra-Hume.
A flower to fruit study where the actual field time and heat units required from pollination to fruit ready for harvest is being documented.
A cantaloupe research project investigating methods of limiting the incidence of Watermelon Mosaic Virus II in cantaloupe.
A seedless watermelon trial planted on ReflecTek RepelGro reflective mulch in late June for September harvest. The pollinators Companion and SP-1 are being compared.
A demonstration planting of honey dew melons, Canary melons and 28 different cut flowers.
Nematode resistant bell pepper breeding lines to be used in future varieties.
Nematode and nutgrass control using Telone InLine. Virtually Impregnable Film (VIF) is being compared to standard plastic mulch and one versus two drip lines is being compared.
Nematode and nutgrass control in tomatoes using InLine plus Telam, 1 vs. 2 drip tapes, VIF mulch vs. standard mulch, and methyl bromide.
Bell pepper plant tolerance to Goal herbicide in combination with Telone C-35.
Dinner will be served after the tour and there will also be discussions of future plans for watermelon and vegetable research projects at Edisto Research and Education Center. Recertification credits (CCH) for Pesticide Applicators and Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) hours will be offered at this field day.
Please call one of the following contacts by July 7 if you will attend this meeting so that a meal can be prepared for you. You can also get more meeting details if needed and directions to the Edisto Station from any of the contacts. EREC — Gilbert Miller or John Mueller — (803) 284-3343 or South Carolina Department of Agriculture-Martin Eubanks- (803) 734-2200.
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