Farm Progress

Crop condition report shows a small surprise: They are steady, but not goodCrop condition report shows a small surprise: They are steady, but not good

The crop condition report shows the soybean condition for good and fair condition stayed the same as last week and the corn condition improves a point.

Kristy Foster Seachrist, Digital editor

August 15, 2017

3 Min Read

After a couple of months of declining crop conditions, the report released Aug. 14 shows both corn and soybeans remaining steady. When it comes to the soybean crop, 49% are in good; 10% in excellent and 29% in fair condition. Last week, the soybean report showed 50% in good; 10% in excellent and 28% in fair condition.

The states showing some of the best condition include Louisiana with 67% in good condition. Kentucky and North Carolina both report 62% in good and Minnesota farmers report 60% in good condition.


Corn condition

The latest crop progress report shows 49% of the corn crop in good condition; 13% in excellent and 26% in fair condition. Last week, the report showed 47% in good; 13% in excellent and 27% in fair condition.

States that appear to be doing well include Colorado with 57% in good condition; Iowa with 52%; Kentucky reporting 62%; Minnesota farmers say 64% in good condition; and Texas producers say 63% is in good condition.

The one obvious item in the crop progress report for both corn and soybeans shows that crops are still not in the condition they were at this point in 2016. Both corn and soybeans show poorer condition ratings.


Soybeans blooming

The crop progress report shows 94% of the soybean crop blooming. That’s up 1% from the four year average of 93%.

Louisiana is reporting all of their soybeans in bloom this week. Mississippi and Arkansas are not far behind with 98%. In the Midwest, Illinois, Minnesota and Nebraska report 97% in bloom. South Dakota producers say 95% are in bloom.


Soybeans setting pods

According to the latest crop progress report, 79% of the 2017 soybean crop is setting pods. That’s up four percent from the four year average of 75%. In 2016, 78% of the crop was setting pods this week.

Several states are reporting they are above the average. They include Louisiana with 99%; Arkansas and Mississippi with 92%. In the Midwest, Minnesota producers say 84% are setting pods; Illinois reports 83%; Iowa and South Dakota report 82%.


Corn silking

Producers and crop reporters say 97% of the nation’s corn crop is in the silking stage. That’s down 1% from the four year average of 98%.

States that appear to be the furthest behind include Minnesota and Wisconsin with 91% and Pennsylvania reports 89%.


Corn dough

The corn in the dough stage is also behind for the 2017 crop year. The progress report states 61% of the nation’s corn is in the dough stage. That’s down 1% from the four year average.

States that are struggling include Colorado with 23%; Pennsylvania with 28%; Wisconsin farmers report 34%; North Dakota states 37%; Minnesota and Michigan producers say 39% and South Dakota producers report 45% in the dough stage.


Corn dented

The amount of the corn in the dented stage is showing a downfall for 2017. Producers and crop reporters say 16% is in the dented stage. That’s down from the four year average of 20% or the 19% recorded in 2016.

Farmers in several states are having trouble reaching the average this week. They include North Dakota and Pennsylvania with 1%; Minnesota and Wisconsin with 2%; Michigan is reporting 3%; South Dakota producers say 4%; Ohio reports 6% and Iowa farmers say only 8% is in the dented stage.



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