January 6, 2017
Keeping up with the latest tools and technology for crop protection isn't easy. Add in the requirement that the latest tools require that applicators be certified, and there's a need for some education help.
For Colorado farmers and applicators, Colorado State University is stepping up with a series of private pesticide recertification sessions in northeast Colorado.
Anyone who purchases restricted use pesticides must have a Private Pesticide Applicator license issued by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. The license, once acquired, is valid for three years before renewal is needed. There are two ways to renew the certification — retake the exam or attend a recertification meeting.
The recertification meetings offer credits that can be substituted for retaking the exam. But if you want to take the exam, you can get study guides and exams from the Colorado Department of Agriculture, or from some Extension offices.
For those who want to take the recertification classes, here's the schedule for locations in northeast Colorado:
• Feb. 21, Burlington Community Center
• Feb. 22, Sedgwick County Fairgrounds, Julesburg
• Feb. 23, Irrigation Research Farm, Yuma
• Feb. 28, Washington County Extension office, Akron
All programs begin at 1:30 p.m. and will conclude at 5 p.m. The cost is $45 per person and includes all seven core credits. Preregistration can be accomplished on-line at goldenplains.colostate.edu or by contacting the Colorado State University Extension office in Burlington at 719-346-5571. To ensure adequate space for everyone, preregistration at these locations is required.
Source: Colorado State University
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