Dakota Farmer

Sunflower acres continue to decrease

Sunflower Extra: Largest drop in planted area occurred in South Dakota.

John Sandbakken

July 24, 2024

3 Min Read
sunflower field
GOING DOWN: Recent USDA reports say a 32% decrease in planted acres has been seen for 2024 — and decreased harvested acres to match. Joanna McCarthy/Getty Images

According to USDA, the area planted to sunflower in 2024 decreased 32% from 2023 and totals 898,500 acres. Harvested area for all types is expected to decrease 32% from last year to 862,600 acres as well.

Planted area of oil-type varieties, at 765,000 acres, is down 34% from 2023. Harvested area for oil-types is expected to decrease 30% from last year to 736,500 acres. Planted acreage of non-oil varieties, estimated at 133,500, is down 13%from last year. Harvested area is expected to decrease 11% from last year to 126,100 acres.

Looking back

Compared with last year, oil-type acreage decreased in all eight major sunflower-producing states. The state with the largest decrease from last year is South Dakota, where the planted area decreased 175,000 acres compared with last year.

North Dakota also had a large decrease compared to last year, with the planted area down 170,000 acres from the previous year. Compared with last year, growers in six of the eight major sunflower-producing states had decreases in planted acreage for non-oil varieties.

The largest decrease compared with last year occurred in South Dakota, where planted acreage decreased by 5,000 acres. Initial estimates using trend yields peg oil-type sunflower production at 1.24 billion pounds, down 37% from last year, with non-oil sunflower production at 223 million pounds, down 25% from 2023.

So, what does this mean in terms of prices for the rest of this marketing year heading into harvest? After this news hit the market, sunflower prices trended higher as the industry digested the numbers making sure to cover nearby needs.

This was the first report of planted acres, and these reports can change from month to month. Planting was still going on in some states when the survey was taken so changes to planted acres will most likely occur.

In the past five years, USDA has changed final planted and harvested sunflower acres significantly by the time the final crop production numbers were released at the end of the year.

In March, USDA reported stocks of oil-type sunflower seed at 1.03 billion pounds, with non-oil sunflower stocks at 128 million pounds, up 26% and down 5%, respectively, from last year at the same time. This level of stocks gives crushers, confection and bird food processors some cushion before new crop arrives.

Tight stocks

However, given the current bird food and oil demand, stocks will be extremely tight by the end of September. This should keep old-crop prices firm, and there is a good likelihood that price premiums will be in place to encourage growers to desiccate and harvest early.

Now that the USDA report is factored into the market, buyers will anxiously watch crop production prospects before making longer-term purchases. Mid-August through September is the critical time frame for sunflowers. In October, USDA will provide an updated estimate for oil-type and non-oil sunflower production.  This report and demand news will set the tone for new crop sunflower price direction.

To keep up with market news and prices go to sunflowernsa.com. Follow us on X @NatlSunflower.

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About the Author

John Sandbakken

National Sunflower Association

John Sandbakken of Mandan, N.D., has been the executive director of the National Sunflower Association since 2012. Before his current post, he was NSA's international marketing director for 16 years.

The National Sunflower Association is a combination of United States sunflower growers and industry members. NSA is a nonprofit organization working in the areas of market development, education, production and utilization research.

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