Farm Progress

Restoring forests, promoting beef biosecurityRestoring forests, promoting beef biosecurity

In this week’s Around Farm Progress podcast, we discuss an innovation a Nebraska farmer discovered for post-fire forest restoration; and we dig into the topic of beef biosecurity.

Willie Vogt

March 31, 2023

42 Min Listen

This week’s episode of Around Farm Progress takes on two different topic areas. There’s a look at one farmer’s innovation in forest restoration that’s getting some attention. We also continue our coverage of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Cattle Industry Convention with a look at topics related to beef biosecurity.

Curt Arens, Nebraska Farmer, digs in on a recent story he wrote about a farmer in western Nebraska who innovated an approach to planting trees after a wildfire. The farmer, concerned about dead, burned trees after the wildfire took an aggressive approach to the problem and may have discovered a way to boost survival of replant seedlings for the future. Arens also came across some interesting native American history on the ranch.

Then we tackle beef biosecurity with two Farm Progress editors. Betty Haynes, Prairie Farmer, talks with Julia Herman, NCBA beef cattle specialist and veterinarian, who discusses biosecurity, Beef Quality Assurance and the opportunities for producers. With concerns about foot-and-mouth disease lingering over the industry, and watching the fast spread of avian influenza, the beef industry is reviewing biosecurity.

On a related topic, Jennifer Carrico, Wallaces Farmer, talks with Mark McCully, CEO of the American Angus Association. They discuss the electronic identification system the association is encouraging seedstock producers to use. There’s also another benefit to the electronic program: The ability to trace the spread of diseases in cattle if needed. A fascinating conversation., give it a listen.

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About the Author

Willie Vogt

Willie Vogt has been covering agricultural technology for more than 40 years, with most of that time as editorial director for Farm Progress. He is passionate about helping farmers better understand how technology can help them succeed, when appropriately applied.

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