Farm Progress

Kentucky Burley Tobacco Tour set for Aug. 3Kentucky Burley Tobacco Tour set for Aug. 3

The 2015 Kentucky Burley Tobacco Industry Tour will be held August 3 and 4 in Lexington Kentucky. 

July 8, 2015

1 Min Read

The 2015 Kentucky Burley Tobacco Industry Tour will be held August 3 and 4 in Lexington Kentucky. 

The tour will begin at 1 p.m. on the Aug. 3 at the Spindeltop Research Farm (3250 Ironworks Pike, Lexington, KY 40511).  

Topics to be covered will include:

  • Conservation tillage.

  • Variety development.

  • Chemical topping, sucker control.

  • Management impacts on TSNA accumulation. 

Supper will be served at the farm.  On the morning of Aug. 4, the tour meets at Spindletop to tour growers’ farms in the area and view tobacco research at the Woodford County Farm.  The tour will conclude with lunch at the Woodford County Farm.

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