February 5, 2018
Some of the most effective crop protection products for the farm, even some legacy compounds, carry a restricted-use label. These are products many farmers have come to trust for keeping weeds, bugs and diseases under control. Trouble is, you can’t apply those products if you don’t have an applicator license.
In Colorado, the private pesticide applicator license is important. And farmers who have one don’t want to let it expire. Best way to do that is to attend regular recertification classes. Colorado State University Extension is hosting four private pesticide recertification sessions in various locations in northeast Colorado.
If your license is expired, you’ll have to take the pesticide license exam again — and the recertification classes will not work for expired licenses. Once you do have a license, however, it is active for three years before renewal is needed. Renewal can be achieved by either retaking the exam or attending a recertification meeting, like one of the four listed below. These meetings offer credits that can be substituted for retaking the exam — provided your license is still active.
Licenses that expire prior to obtaining recertification credits will require you to take the private pesticide exam. And if you have an expired license and need to take the exam, there are study guides and exams that can be obtained from the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
For those with active licenses seeking recertification credits, check out the following meeting opportunities:
• Feb. 20, Burlington (Colo.) Community Center, 1:30 to 5 p.m.
• Feb. 21, Irrigation Research Farm , Yuma, Colo., 8 to 11:30 a.m.
• Feb. 21, Washington County Extension office, Akron, Colo., 1:30 to 5 p.m.
• Feb. 22, Sedgwick County Fairgrounds, Julesburg, Colo., 8 to 11:30 a.m..
The cost for the class is $45 per person and includes all seven core credits. These credits enable relicensing without retesting. Registration is available online at goldenplains.colostate.edu or by contacting the Colorado State University Extension office in Burlington at 719-346-5571. Preregistration for meetings is required to assure adequate space is available.
Source: Colorado State University
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