Dakota Farmer

Hettinger Research Extension Center hosts 2019 Field TourHettinger Research Extension Center hosts 2019 Field Tour

Slideshow: The annual field tour showcased new wheat, field pea and hemp varieties.

August 7, 2019

7 Slides
Hettinger Field Day

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Luann Dart

By Luann Dart

The North Dakota State University Hettinger Research Extension Center recently held its annual field tour. HREC is researching 18 different crops this year, including industrial hemp.

With more than 7,500 plot trials, HREC is an important part of NDSU’s statewide plant breeding program. It also conducts local crop production research for southwest North Dakota.

HREC was founded in 1909 with a gift of 160 acres by the residents of Adams County and the city of Hettinger. Original work at HREC involved converting native prairie to farm land.

Today, HREC focuses on grains, sheep, cattle and wildlife.

Click through the slideshow for a look at HREC’s annual crops field day.

Dart writes from Elgin, N.D.

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