April 5, 2008
Floratine Biosciences (FBS) is introducing two new products designed to improve the uptake and utilization of soil and foliar-applied NPK fertilizers.
The soil-applied product, Carbon Boost, is new to the agricultural market. It is a next-generation nutrient technology that is research-proven to act as an elicitor — a product that enhances the desired performance of particular compounds.
The foliar product is KAFE'. It is similar to Carbon Boost. It is designed to break various foliar barriers that traditionally restrict the effectiveness of foliar-applied products, and act as an elicitor to enhance the desired performance of particular compounds.
Studies with Carbon Boost have shown that it increases the uptake efficiency of NPK fertilizers, giving plants a greater nutritional boost than the application of fertilizers alone, increasing overall yields and making plants stronger and more resistant to environmental stress.
Carbon Boost is specially formulated to promote healthy, strong plant growth under stressful environmental conditions such as cold wet soils, compaction, pH extremes and excessive sand content.
Carbon Boost utilizes “CarbonPower” from FBS, the company's cornerstone technology that speeds the rate of uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients within a plant. To create CarbonPower, FBS has isolated and refined some of nature's most plant-active compounds, such as carboxylic acids and phenols, which have been scientifically proven to enhance nutrient uptake and enhance nutrient mobility.
As a result of this technology, the naturally occurring components in Carbon Boost reduce tie-ups of phosphorus with calcium, iron and aluminum in the soil. It also provides enhanced rooting to improve root interception of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other nutrients. Increased mitochondrial respiration rates result in faster uptake and translocation of all nutrients, even when soil temperatures are less than optimal.
“Carbon Boost has been designed specifically to enhance the effectiveness of soil applied fertilizers, allowing growers to obtain greater benefits from the products they are already applying to their crops,” said Brian Goodwin, CEO of FBS. “Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium comprise approximately 90 percent of the nutrients that are added to plants in order to help them grow stronger. Because these three nutrients are so widely used, it has the potential to benefit just about any existing nutrient program.”
The product also includes zinc, iron and manganese — three minerals not readily available in many soils, but that are necessary for strong plants. Carbon Boost can be applied with any existing soil applications at any time of the year.
“We really want our products to bring as much value as possible to farmers,” said John Bradley, director of research and development at FBS. “That is one of the main reasons why Carbon Boost is so flexible. It can be added through irrigation, included with broadcast fertilizer applications or placed in-furrow at planting with seeds or transplants. The time of year doesn't matter either — you'll still see benefits, even from just one application.
“In addition, growers will find value in the fact that they are getting more yield and better quality without having to add more nutrients,” Bradley continued. “As prices for fertilizer increase globally, the farmers are the ones who are getting squeezed. They need to get as much value as possible out of their fertilizer programs and their plants.”
Independent testing has shown that Carbon Boost has the potential to significantly improve yield and quality. A research trial on wheat by independent source Hanson & Associates showed a 46 percent increase in yield when comparing treatments of Carbon Boost with a FBS nutritional package to conventional fertilizer methods. Protein quality increased by 32 percent. Field trials on corn by Hanson & Associates showed average yield increases of 20 percent.
KAFE' is highly synergistic with most foliar sprays; reduces barriers at the membrane; helps prevent evaporation; and promotes coverage of the leaf surface, opening and flooding of the stomatal chamber, movement into the conducting tissue, and cell-to-cell movement.
KAFE' utilizes the same “CarbonPower” technology from FBS, the company's cornerstone technology that speeds the rate of uptake and translocation of nutrients within a plant.
“We have specially formulated KAFE' to provide superior foliar uptake and enhanced systemic performance,” says Goodwin, FBS CEO. “It can be used on any crop to ensure growers they are receiving the most benefit and return on their investment in foliar-applied products.”
KAFE' also includes iron, which is necessary for chlorophyll formation and photosynthesis; manganese to assist in chlorophyll formation and an important cofactor in enzyme-driven protein synthesis; and zinc as a catalyst for plant enzyme production calcium translocation and moderation of temperature-induced stress.
This product can be added to most liquid foliar insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and plant nutritional products at low rates to speed the rate of uptake and translocation of nutrients within a plant.
According to Bradley, the company is planning to conduct 10 research projects this year to study the effectiveness of KAFE' on corn and soybeans.
FBS is headquartered in the Memphis suburb of Collierville, Tenn., with manufacturing facilities in Tennessee and California. For more information on FBS, visit http://www.fbsciences.com.
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