Are you in need of continuing education units or CEUs? December 18, 2024, Texas A&M AgriLife is offering a virtual meeting, “Crop production and risk protection,” at various locations throughout the Panhandle and South Plains, where producers can earn 7 CEUs: 1 L&R (laws and regulations), 2 IPM (integrated pest management), 1 drift and 3 general.
The virtual program will be hosted at a variety of locations within AgriLife districts 1 and 2. “This is to provide the same information to every county in one unique program and to ensure those that need CEUs can obtain the seven that were approved,” says Danny Nusser, Texas A&M AgriLife regional program leader, Amarillo.
He says the meeting is designed to provide timely topics and relative information about the region's crops and livestock.
View the list of various meeting locations. (Photo by Shelley E. Huguley)
Experts will present current research and education about cotton, corn, sorghum, wheat, and rangeland. While attendees can not view the virtual sessions on their home computer or mobile, they can watch them from the various locations listed in the graphic below.
Registration, which begins at 8 a.m., will be followed by the following presentations:
Know your pesticide laws and regulations- Cheryl Goswick, Texas Department of Agriculture
Weed management decisions- Peter Dotray, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension/Texas Tech University
Update on cotton, corn, sorghum insect pests and potential issues, resolutions and technologies- David Kerns, Suhas Vyavhare, Pat Porter, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Options for controlling woody species on rangeland- Morgan Treadwell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Matching available water to planted acreage and crop selection- Jordan Bell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Discussion and updates on diseases and viruses in Panhandle crops- Ken Obasa, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
For more information, contact the offices listed in the above graphic.
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