Wallaces Farmer

2021 Secret to success: seed treatments

Corn and soybean seed treatments for ultimate protection in 2021.

4 Min Read

Over the past few decades, the ag industry has increased its focus on seed treatment research and development. In the face of new insects and diseases and more challenging planting conditions as farmers push planting dates earlier and earlier, the demand for new and exceptional seed treatment products continues to increase.

Beck's continues to evaluate new seed treatments and combinations each year, creating an ongoing evolution in the seed treatment offering. Each year, Beck’s plants a plethora of plots to evaluate individual seed treatment components and combinations available in the industry to ensure our offering is the best available. For 2021, both corn and soybean seed treatments are changing to improve our Escalate® yield enhancement system further. In corn, the seed treatment will receive an additional broad-spectrum fungicide. In soybeans, there will be a more robust seed treatment included at no additional charge. There will also be a premium seed treatment that can be added where the disease and pest pressure warrant additional protection.


For corn in 2021, our already comprehensive seed treatment gets a sixth fungicide for additional protection. The fungicide is Stamina® (active ingredient: pyraclostrobin), which will provide additional control from some of the main seed and seedling diseases that impact corn each year. In addition to providing another mode of action (MOA) against Pythium, Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia, Stamina increases seedling vigor in certain cold soil conditions.

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With the addition of the sixth fungicide, our corn seed treatment will now contain 12 MOAs, including two on nematodes and two to control many of the insects that impact seed and seedlings. As in the past, Escalate on corn will include polymers and a fluency agent to ensure the products stay on the seed, while also improving seed flowability through all seed handling equipment, including center fill planters and seed meters.

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For the 2021 growing season, the new standard soybean seed treatment, included at no additional charge on every bag of seed, is almost identical to the premium seed treatment offered for the 2020 growing season. It will still have the sudden death syndrome (SDS) protection from last year’s treatment and the white mold suppression from Heads Up®, but it will no longer include the neonicotinoid insecticide product on either of the 2021 treatment options.

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The standard seed treatment will now include three fungicides, one bio-stimulant, and one bio-fungicide, along with the bioinsecticide/ nematicide, Nemasect®, for insect and nematode protection. Nemasect is a biologically derived nematicide and insecticide that will be included on both levels of treatment to provide protection from soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and other nematodes that impact soybeans. Nemasect will also protect seed and seedlings from damaging soil insect pests like seed corn maggots, wireworms, and grubs.

The optional seed treatment upgrade, which can be ordered on soybean seed for 2021, will provide additional protection from two of the most important pests in soybeans: SCN and SDS. The additional protection and MOA come from the ILeVO® TWO.O. The TWO.O has been used in our corn seed treatment for the last two years, and we are now including it in our soybean seed treatment upgrade for 2021. The TWO.O component, like in corn, provides a stabilized enzyme that assists in breaking down the cellulose in organic matter. The sugars released from the organic matter decomposition provide a food source for beneficial microorganisms in the root zone for increased nutrient cycling and, ultimately, nutrient availability to the growing soybean plant.

The seed treatment changes made in both corn and soybeans for the 2021 growing season create a very robust disease, insect, and nematode protection package on every bag of seed. This will allow farmers to have even more confidence in planting early and starting out with a uniform stand in a wide range of soil conditions.

When ordering your seed for next year, keep in mind that variety and hybrid selection is the most important decision you will make when it comes to managing diseases and insects, but a seed treatment is definitely an important tool to minimize the impacts of some of the most common yield-robbing issues.

Beck’s is the largest family-owned retail seed company in the United States that serves farmers in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. According to a recent seed industry survey, Beck’s ranks as the third  largest corn and soybean brand in the United States. At their core, all Beck’s employees are Farmers at Heart. It stands for something special. It has soul. It has truth. And it represents a community of farmers, employees, and dealers who strive each day to seek challenges, push boundaries and innovate. Beck’s has, and always will be, proud to serve a community of farmers who love what they do and who are proud to be… Farmers at Heart. For more agronomic new and information, visit Beck’s Agronomy Talk page or blog at BecksHybrids.com.

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