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Unmatched protection against armyworm

Lumivia® CPL is the only wheat seed treatment that controls armyworm providing you with improved plant stands, reduced leaf feeding and higher yield potential.

Submitted by Corteva Agriscience

Armyworm damage to seeds and seedlings is one of the most significant yield-impacting problems wheat farmers face each year. Armyworms are quick-moving pests, tackling vast areas in large numbers. A single armyworm can stunt or even kill up to 80 plants. Catching these yield-robbing pests early can pay dividends come harvest.

Lumivia® CPL insecticide seed treatment is a new mode of action that raises the industry standard for the protection of wheat against yield-robbing pests. This is the first and only seed applied technology for wheat that protects against armyworm, cutworm, wireworm, and more. By impairing insect muscle function, the insecticide seed treatment effectively stops feeding almost immediately. Lumivia® CPL provides growers with improved plant stand, reduced leaf feeding and higher yield potential.


  • Extensive protection of the seed, roots and seedling above ground due to its unique approach that involves systematic uptake and translocation

  • Fast-acting protection of seed and seedlings with minimal impact on beneficial insects and pollinators, making it a great fit for an Integrated Pest Management strategy

  • Exceptional mixing compatibility with other insecticides for multiple modes of action and an increased pest spectrum

When used according to the label, Lumivia® CPL has minimal impact on the environment, beneficial insects and pollinators. High specificity to target sites in pest species results in low to no impact on non-target beneficial insects, including parasitoids, parasites and pollinators.

The impressive selectivity, combined with robust pest control and excellent environmental profile, establishes Lumivia® CPL as a sound tool for Integrated Pest Management and complimentary partner or alternative to neonicotinoid insecticides.


Lumivia® CPL insecticide seed treatment is the only wheat seed treatment that controls armyworm, cutworm and wireworm.



High-level protection against armyworm and reduced grasshopper feeding with Lumivia® CPL.



Wheat field with significant armyworm and cutworms injury.

Protection That Offers Peace of Mind
By protecting vulnerable seeds and seedlings during critical early development, Lumivia® CPL insecticide seed treatment provides better stand establishment and helps to reduce the risk of yield-limiting factors. By protecting yield potential, you will benefit from not only peace of mind, but a greater return on investment.


*EPA label approval for Lumivia ® CPL insecticide seed treatment for on-farm use and grasshoppers anticipated fall 2022. ®,TM Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Lumivia ® CPL insecticide seed treatment is registered in select states with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for sale in wheat. All information being transferred is technical in nature and subject to change. Always read and follow label directions. ©2022 Corteva.

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