June 10, 2024

If you’ve dealt with tar spot in recent years, you know just how quickly a foliar disease can knock down yield. Heavy tar spot infections have been shown to reduce corn yield by as much as 60 bushels per acre – and it’s not the only crop disease capable of hurting your bottom line.1 So, it’s important to think through disease management plans for this season’s corn and soybean crops now.
Will Tubbs, market development specialist for Corteva Agriscience, recommends weekly scouting to check the presence and progression of disease in fields. If weekly scouting isn’t practical, prioritize getting in fields when the crop canopy begins to close and during reproductive periods.
Key growth stages to focus on for scouting include:
Corn stages
V9 – V12
R2 – R3
Soybean stages
R1 – R5
“If we start seeing lesions on the leaves or any other disease symptoms, we need to pull the trigger on a fungicide application very quickly,” Tubbs says. “We need a fungicide that starts working immediately, and that’s what Aproach Prima offers us.”
Aproach® Prima fungicide provides broad-spectrum disease control for corn and soybeans with both a preventive and a curative mode of action. Watch this video to see how the fungicide works fast to protect corn yield.
In addition to disease control, Aproach Prima fungicide promotes better overall plant health.
“We see benefits when we make fungicide applications not only in heavy disease years, but we also see them in lower pressure disease years,” Tubbs says. “So, a proactive foliar fungicide application on corn or soybeans between the R1 and R3 growth stages can provide disease protection and result in healthier crops.”
These plant health benefits include:
Reduced plant stress during unfavorable weather conditions
Improved standability and less stalk lodging
Better crop quality and improved test weights for greater yield potential
Corteva Agriscience trials show the use of Aproach Prima fungicide increases corn yield by an average of nearly 15 bushels per acre and soybean yield by an average of 4.5 bushels per acre.
To boost your plant health management this season, find out when yield-robbing crop diseases are spotted in your area with disease alerts from Corteva Agriscience.
™ ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Aproach® Prima is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. ©2024 Corteva. 021279 BR (06/24) CAAG4FUNG063
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