May 16, 2024

What’s worse than a big flush of weeds in your cotton or soybean fields? A big flush of weeds after the calendar cutoff date for your herbicide.
Instead of roadblocks, Southern farmers need flexibility to make applications at the right time for their fields.
With more freedom to spray, Enlist® herbicides can be applied over Enlist® cotton and Enlist E3® soybeans with no date restrictions. Simply put: You don’t need to check the calendar before making applications.
“One of the many benefits of Enlist cotton and Enlist E3 soybeans is that there is no calendar cutoff dates during the growing season for applications of Enlist herbicides,” said Jared Walls, Corteva Agriscience market development specialist. “Growers get a wider application window to control troublesome weeds based on weed pressure and crop stage.”
That means growers have more opportunity to use tank-mix applications of Enlist One® and Liberty® herbicides, the superior application for glyphosate-resistant and tough-to-control weeds. Enlist One herbicide is a straight-goods 2,4-D choline that provides exceptional weed control designed to land and stay on target. Liberty herbicide is the preferred glufosinate of the Enlist® weed control system.
“A tank mix of Enlist One + Liberty herbicides is one of the most powerful tools Southern farmers have to control weeds,” Walls said. “With more than 1,700 qualified tank-mix products — including herbicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and adjuvants — Enlist One herbicide gives growers more tank-mix options so they can make timely applications and save trips across the field.”
Maximize your freedom to spray
For farmers who planted Enlist cotton and Enlist E3 soybeans this season, Enlist® field specialist Brett Gordon says it’s important to keep several things in mind when tank-mixing Enlist One and Liberty herbicides.
Start with a clean sprayer and a half-full water carrier tank. Begin agitation before adding the first product, and continue agitation through the mixing process. Products should be added to the tank one at a time, following the order outlined at or in the Product Use Guide for Enlist herbicides.
“Following proper tank-mix guidelines will help ensure you leverage the benefits of Enlist One for weed control that stays where it’s sprayed,” Gordon said. “Tank-mix flexibility and superior weed control will help keep your crops clean for maximum yield potential.”
Gordon recommends growers tank-mix 32 oz./A of Enlist One herbicide and 32 oz./A of Liberty herbicide with 20 gallons per acre (GPA) of water (no less than 15 GPA). To keep applications on target, use a qualified nozzle and pressure combination while avoiding applying during low humidity, cloudy conditions, temperature inversions and wind speeds greater than 10 mph.
“Southern farmers who have used tank mixes of Enlist One + Liberty herbicides over their Enlist cotton and Enlist E3 soybeans have been extremely pleased with the herbicide performance and weed control,” Gordon said. “We continually hear that the flexibility and freedom to spray is a major benefit on the Southern acre.”
To learn more about how the Enlist weed control system can help you control difficult weeds, visit Find the most current list of qualified tank-mix products for Enlist One herbicide at
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