Olympic uniform row reaches Congress
59 members of Congress are calling on the U.S. Olympic Committee to ensure that Team USA’s uniforms are made in the United States, not in factories overseas. The American company Ralph Lauren designed Team USA's uniforms for the 2012 Summer Olympics, yet had them manufactured in China.
July 19, 2012
Representatives Mike Michaud (ME-02) and Pete Stark (CA-13) led a bipartisan coalition of 59 members of Congress in calling on the U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC) to ensure that Team USA’s uniforms are made in the United States, not in factories overseas. The American company Ralph Lauren designed Team USA's uniforms for the 2012 Summer Olympics, yet had them manufactured in China.
(For more, see: China fires back over Olympic uniform controversy)
The letter is supported by the AFL-CIO and the National Council of Textile Organizations and represents the largest groundswell of opposition to the USOC policy to date.
Rep. Stark: “We don't outsource the athletes who represent the United States in the Olympics and we shouldn't outsource the manufacturing of Team USA's uniforms. The fact that our American uniforms were made in China is a glaring reminder that we've gotten away from a core value: our country's success is built on the innovation and industriousness of the American worker. When we deviate from that, we fail. That is why we're calling on the U.S. Olympic Committee to reflect these values and ensure that Team USA's uniforms are made in America.”
(For more, see: US companies eager for Olympic uniform production)
Rep. Michaud: “We need to see more ‘made in America’ again, and our athletes’ uniforms are a perfect place to start. The outsourcing of these uniforms was a mistake that shouldn’t be repeated. Our athletes are a source of national pride for the United States and so too should be the work that goes into making the uniforms they wear.”
Cass Johnson, President of the National Council of Textile Organizations: “Congress has a golden opportunity to send a message to the U.S. Olympic Committee that, like our great Olympic athletes, U.S. workers deserve their support as well. If the USOC takes the time, they will find U.S. textile workers standing ready and able to supply all textile products the Committee needs.”
For a PDF copy of the letter, click here.
Alphabetical list of members of Congress on the letter:
Joe Baca
Tammy Baldwin
Leonard L. Boswell
Robert A. Brady
Bruce Braley
Corrine Brown
David Cicilline
Wm. Lacy Clay
John Conyers, Jr.
Mark S. Critz
Elijah Cummings
Peter A. DeFazio
Rosa L. DeLauro
Mike Doyle
Donna F. Edwards
Sam Farr
Bob Filner
Gene Green
Raul M. Grijalva
Alcee L. Hastings
Brian Higgins
Maurice D. Hinchey
Rush Holt
Steve Israel
Walter B. Jones
Marcy Kaptur
Dale E. Kildee
Larry Kissell
Dennis Kucinich
Barbara Lee
Dan Lipinski
Dave Loebsack
Carolyn B. Maloney
Jim McDermott
Jim McGovern
Michael Michaud
Brad Miller
George Miller
Chris Murphy
Sue Myrick
Richard E. Neal
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Bill Pascrell, Jr.
Chellie Pingree
Charles B. Rangel
Laura Richardson
Tim Ryan
Linda Sanchez
Jan Schakowsky
Bobby Schilling
Brad Sherman
Heath Shuler
Pete Stark
Betty Sutton
Mike Thompson
Nikki Tsongas
Pete Viscolsky
Peter Welch
Lynn C. Woolsey
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