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No better place than High CottonNo better place than High Cotton

High Cotton Award recipients have taken their farms into a new age of conservation.

Brent Murphree, Senior Editor

February 28, 2020

2 Min Read
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In case you haven't turned on the television in the last few weeks, it's award season. It is a great thing to be recognized for your work by your peers.

But, I have to say, I appreciate the awards ag gives to its people, the ones who feed and clothe the world, much more than the awards given to people who pretend for a living.

In the case of ag, it's a noble cause the industry undertakes.

The High Cotton Awards, sponsored by Farm Press and the Cotton Foundation, began the year before I went to work for the National Cotton Council. So, for me, they've been engrained into the culture of the cotton industry since I went off the farm.

I know many of the recipients and count several of them as good friends. I respect them as innovative cotton producers, as well as just good people.

It is a privilege to be involved with some of the activities that go on around the choosing and presenting the awards to these well-deserving recipients. In the environment I came up in, it was understood that you had to be alert and look at the industry at large in order to secure your success on the farm and in the market.

In the process, I encountered the kinds of people who make up the list of former and current winners of the High Cotton Award. These are leaders in every sense of the word.

Related:Matt and Kelly Griggs: 2020 Mid-South High Cotton Award

While they may not be presidents of national organizations — although several have been — they lead the industry through innovation and the way they make a difference, not only in their operation, but with their connections with crop consultants, Extension personnel and other growers.

Recipients like Jay Hardwick and his family who have taken their farm into a new age of conservation, successfully growing cotton and other crops while protecting the sensitive ecosystem of Louisiana.

I've been to Jimmy Hargett's operation in Tennessee several times and watched as he has explained his input in the development of new cotton pickers, spray rigs and his water system.

Water innovation and cover crops have been the topic on Steve Steven's operation as we've seen how he can track benefits from both as one of Arkansas' Discovery Farms.

I've also visited the operations of past winners including George LaCour, Coley Bailey, Bob Walker, Joe Huerkamp, Kenneth Hood, David Wildy, Marty White and Larry McClendon.

This is not a comprehensive list of Mid-South winners and I know other cotton producers who should be on the list as well. We've had 26 years of High Cotton Awards and I hope to continue to meet and work with those producers who will make their mark in cotton into the future.

About the Author

Brent Murphree

Senior Editor, Delta Farm Press

Brent Murphree grew up on a third-generation Arizona cotton farm and has been in ag communications for well over 25 years. He received his journalism degree from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University. He was a partner in the family farm, which grew cotton, wheat, alfalfa and pistachios. Urban encroachment in the fast-growing Phoenix metropolitan area was the impetus for closing the farm operation.

He received two Arizona Newspaper Association awards while at Kramer Communications in Casa Grande, Ariz., and was editor of their Pinal Ways magazine. He has served as a municipal public information officer and has worked as a communications director for the cotton industry, writing for industry publications. He was vice mayor of the town of Maricopa, which he helped incorporate, for seven years, having established and organized several community organizations in the process. His small hometown has grown from several hundred people to over 60,000 in just over 20 years.

Brent joined Farm Press in 2019 as content director for Southwest Farm Press and Western Farm Press. He became editor of Delta Farm Press in October of 2020.

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