January 30, 2009
The Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, responsible for management of Texas' statewide boll weevil eradication program, announced the selection of Larry Smith as Program Director. He will have the primary responsibility of coordinating program activities in each of the 16 boll weevil eradication zones in Texas and four zones in neighboring New Mexico.
The decision came after a meeting of the Foundation Board of Directors Personnel and Management Committee held Monday, and in lieu of Dr. Charles Allen's acceptance of the position of Statewide IPM Coordinator with Texas AgriLife Extension.
"While we hate to lose Dr. Allen as Program Director, we are pleased to have someone with his knowledge, integrity, and work ethic in a position that is very important to our program," said Foundation Chief Executive Officer Lindy Patton.
Dr. Allen replaces Dr. Tom Fuchs who retired from AgriLife Extension at the first of the year.
"Dr. Fuchs has been an important part of the eradication program since it began, and I know Charles will continue to provide support and technical expertise to the Foundation," Patton added.
Smith has been with the Foundation since 1995 and has worked side by side with Dr. Allen for more than eight years.
"Larry has been a key member of our management team for many years," said Patton. "There's no one in the country more qualified to take over this important position."
In addition, Patrick Burson, Zone Manager for the Southern High Plains/Caprock (SHP/C) and Western High Plains (WHP) zones, has been named Assistant Program Director for the Foundation. He will assume these responsibilities and will continue to manage the SHP/C and WHP boll weevil eradication zones.
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