November 12, 2008
Rainfall during October was above normal over most of the state, but drought conditions continue, according to the USDA, NASS, Georgia Field Office. Temperatures during October were slightly above normal. Weather conditions have provided good harvesting conditions for the fall harvested crops.
Based on a survey of growers contacted around Nov. 1, crop yield remained the same as last month for soybeans, while cotton and peanuts showed an increase and corn showed a decrease in yield.
Georgia’s cotton production for 2008 is expected to total 1.65 million bales (480 pounds), 60,000 bales above the Oct. 1 forecast, but 10,000 bales below the 2007 production. Harvesting conditions have been very good during October. Acreage for harvest, at 940,000 acres, remains unchanged from last month. The yield calculates to 843 pounds per harvested acre, up 31 pounds per acre from last month.
By the end of the October, about 46 percent of the crop had been harvested, which is slightly behind normal.
Peanut production for Georgia is forecast at 2.26 billion pounds, 1 percent more than the Oct. 1 forecast, and 39 percent more than in 2007. Yield per harvested acre is forecast at 3,300 pounds, up 50 pounds per acre from last month, and up 180 pounds from a year ago. The good yield is a reflection of showers in late August, early September and irrigation. By the end of October, harvesting progress was near normal.
Corn yield for 2008 is expected to average 125 bushels per harvested acre, five bushels less than last month, and last year’s crop. Timely rains and irrigation have provided growers with a good crop. Total corn production is expected to total 40.0 million bushels from 320,000 acres harvested for grain. Harvest was virtually complete by the middle of October.
Soybean production is expected to total 12.3 million bushels, the same as last month, but 44 percent more than in 2007. Acreage expected for harvest is at 410,000 acres, the same as last month, but 135,000 acres more than in 2007. Yields are expected to average 30 bushels per acre, the same as last month, and the same last year. By the end of October, about 27 percent of the crop had been harvested.
The five-year average is 28 percent harvested.
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