Farm Progress

Fisher Delta Research Center to hold 54th annual Field Day Sept. 2

“We have a fabulous team and a great group of researchers,” said Trent Haggard, director of the Center. “During this field day, you will get to see the highlights of their research, which covers the newest and hottest topics in agriculture.”

August 27, 2015

3 Min Read
<p>Andrea Jones will discuss cotton variety trials during this year&#39;s Fisher Delta Research Center field day. </p>

PPO inhibitor resistance, Enlist Duo, Roundup Ready Xtend, Engenia, Provisia, Rinskor Active, Priaxor, chalkiness, Acuron, pollinators, neonicotinoids, soil moisture sensors, surge valves, flow meters, rice fertility….

Those are just a few examples of the new terminologies farmers are having to deal with these days. Fortunately, land-grant universities such as the University of Missouri are offering farmers the opportunity to learn more about them and what they can mean for their operations in the years ahead.

The 54th annual Fisher Delta Research Center Field Day, one of a number of such facilities operated by the University of Missouri, will attempt to help farmers wade through the changes the changes that are rapidly occurring in agriculture with discussions on several agricultural topics.

Rice, cotton, corn and soybeans will also be discussed during the Sept. 2 field day at the Fisher Center, which is located near Portageville in the Missouri Bootheel. Tours run from 8:30 a.m. to 1:10 p.m.

“We have a fabulous team and a great group of researchers,” said Trent Haggard, director of the Center. “During this field day, you will get to see the highlights of their research, which covers the newest and hottest topics in agriculture.”

While the Delta Research Center does share some similarities to other regions of Missouri, the land more closely resembles western Tennessee, eastern Arkansas and western Mississippi. The theme for the 2015 Field Day – “Delta Agriculture on the Move” – pertains to the entire Delta.

“Our research always relates to the entire Delta region,” Haggard said. “The Delta and Missouri boot heel have extremely prolific soils. It’s a hyper-productive area.”

Corn, beans, rice, cotton, wheat and milo can all be found in the Delta. FDRC’s Field Day will take a look at most of them.

Gene Stevens, plant sciences professor, will present on impacting yield through variable rate seed, fertilizer and irrigation regimes. Stevens will also have a second presentation on using a smartphone app to manage your irrigation needs.

Both presentations will be during the corn and pollinator tour. Moneen Jones and Bob Walters will also present on new initiatives to benefit the overall health of bee colonies, as well as the many crops that bees pollinate.

Matt Rhine, research associate, and David Dunn, soil and tissue lab associate, will both speak on the impact of rice.

“The rice tour will highlight the University of Missouri rice variety trials, research on chalkiness in rice and proper potash management,” Haggard said.

Grover Shannon, professor of plant sciences, and Andrew Scaboo, senior research scientist, will showcase upcoming soybean releases to enhance Delta producers’ productivity and profitability.

“At this year’s field day, we are sharing our work on variable rate irrigation, stewardship of fertilizer in several crops and assisting the local bee population,” Haggard said. “That work is just a small sample of ways our research continue to enhance our natural resources.”

The FDRC field day will also include three presentations on cotton and weed science. From variety trials to new weed technologies, numerous topics will be covered.

“The cotton and weed tour will highlight the newest varieties for cotton, along with the new weed technology available to maximize cotton revenue and minimize weed drag,” Haggard said.

For more information on the Delta Center or the field day, call 573-379-5431 or email [email protected]. You can also visit their website at


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