Delta County, Texas, farmer Jim Landers says soil moisture on his Northeast Texas cropland “is good all the way through the profile. Cotton looks pretty good. Some fields that were planted earlier than mine are a little ahead of me, but I can’t complain.”
Landers got back into cotton just three years ago after being out since 1995. “I got back into cotton because I got tired of watching soybeans burn up,” he says.
He’s still growing some soybeans, double-cropped behind wheat, but he likes the diversification he gets with cotton, beans, wheat, milo and corn. The 2012 wheat crop was the best he ever made, an 80 bushel per acre average yield. “We had some fields that went over 100 bushels per acre,” he says.
He’s hoping for continued good rainfall on his summer crops and says so far soybeans, milo and cotton are doing well. He didn’t get corn planted because of wet conditions at planting time. But the moisture was appreciated. “Mother nature has been good to us so far,” he said.
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