July 25, 2012
Certified Producer and Importer Organizations (CPOs and CIOs) will caucus this summer to nominate candidates for leadership positions within the Cotton Research & Promotion Program, including The Cotton Board.
These upcoming caucuses offer cotton producers and cotton importers, the opportunity to participate in leadership positions providing oversight of the Cotton Research and Promotion Program.
These are important positions and strong leadership that reflects the diversity within the U.S. cotton industry is needed.
Diverse representation brings a broad range of knowledge and experience to the table which strengthens the overall work of the Cotton Research & Promotion Program.
The Cotton Board recently held a conference call with CPOs and CIOs to emphasize the importance of board diversity and to encourage broad participation by industry members.
USDA guidelines governing Board nominations stress checkoff boards should reflect diversity in the size of operations, experience of members, methods of production and distribution, marketing strategies, as well as race, ethnicity, and gender.
USDA guidelines assert Boards should be reflective of the industry population that contribute the research and promotion assessment.
The Cotton Board is pleased to join USDA in encouraging and supporting diversity among those nominated to serve as members of the Program’s appointed leadership.
The pursuit of diversity in board membership is an opportunity for embracing new ideas and growth that will enable boards to better serve their industry associates.
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