Arizona Agri-Weekly: cotton boll opening begins
Cotton conditions are fair to excellent. Cotton bolls are opening in various locations.Alfalfa conditions range from fair to excellent across the state.Arizona growers shipped watermelons last week.Seventeen of the 21 weather stations recorded precipitation for the week ending July 29. Payson received the most at 2.10 inches.
August 1, 2012
The Arizona Agri-Weekly report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service in Phoenix released July 30, 2012.
Field crops
Cotton squaring is 93 percent complete compared to the five-year average of 96 percent. Approximately two-thirds of the cotton acreage has set bolls compared to the five-year average of 74 percent.
Cotton conditions are fair to excellent. Cotton bolls are opening in various locations.
Alfalfa conditions range from fair to excellent across the state. The alfalfa harvest is active on more than three-quarters of the growing area across Arizona.
Vegetable, fruit, and specialty crops
Arizona growers shipped watermelons last week.
Weather Summary
Temperatures were generally above average across Arizona for the week ending July 29, ranging from 2 degrees below normal at Paloma, Payson, and Willcox and up to 8 degrees above normal at the Grand Canyon.
The highest temperature of the week was 110 degrees at Parker. The lowest reading was 50 degrees at the Grand Canyon.
Seventeen of the 21 weather stations recorded precipitation for the week ending July 29. Tucson received the least at 0.06 inches. Payson received the most at 2.10 inches.
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