Farm Progress

Virginia grower back on top in National Corn Growers Yield Contest

The 532.0271-bushel-per-acre, certified yield on a 10-acre field is the highest yield in the 2015 NCGA contest and the highest corn yield ever recorded. It moved Hula past Randy Dowdy, a Georgia producer, who set a record of 500 bushels of corn in the contest in 2014. Hula also recorded the highest yield in 2013.

December 18, 2015

1 Min Read

An acre of corn with 532 bushels of grain on it seems difficult to imagine. But that’s the yield Charles City, Va., producer David Hula recorded for the 2015 National Corn Growers Association 2015 National Corn Yield Contest.

The 532.0271-bushel-per-acre, certified yield on a 10-acre field is the highest yield in the 2015 NCGA contest and the highest corn yield ever recorded. It moved Hula past Randy Dowdy, a Georgia produce, who set a record of 500 bushels of corn in the contest in 2014. Hula also recorded the highest yield in 2013.

NCGA officials said this year’s contest entrants continued to far surpass the national average corn yield, “setting a contest record with a new all-time high yield of just over 532 bushels per acre. Additionally, a record five national entries surpassed the 400-plus bushel per acre mark.”

The National Corn Yield Contest, which is in its 51st year, is the NCGA’s most popular program for members. Participation in the contest remained strong in 2015, with 7,729 entries received.

The 18 winners in six production categories had verified yields averaging more than 386.4 bushels per acre, compared to the projected national average of 169.3 bushels per acre in 2015.

To read more about this year’s contest, visit

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