Dakota Farmer

Corn is 51% planted in North DakotaCorn is 51% planted in North Dakota

27% planted is the five year average at this date.

May 10, 2016

2 Min Read

The National Ag Statistics Service is reporting the following crop progress and conditions in North Dakota as of the week ending May 8:

Winter wheat condition rated 1 percent very poor, 2 poor, 27 fair, 61 good, and 9 excellent. Winter wheat jointed was 33 percent, near 29 last year.

Durum wheat planted was 32 percent, behind 40 last year, but ahead of 22 for the five-year average. Emerged was 8 percent, ahead of 3 last year, but near 6 average.

Spring wheat planted was 69 percent, behind 77 last year, but well ahead of 39 average. Emerged was 27 percent, near 31 last year, but ahead of 16 average.


Barley planted was 68 percent, near 70 last year, but well ahead of 32 average. Emerged was 24 percent, behind 29 last year, but ahead of 13 average.

Oats condition rated 0 percent very poor, 1 poor, 20 fair, 76 good, and 3 excellent. Oats planted was 64 percent, near 67 last year, but well ahead of 36 average. Emerged was 25 percent, near 24 last year, but ahead of 14 average.

Corn planted was 51 percent, behind 60 last year, but well ahead of 27 average. Emerged was 4 percent, equal to last year, and near 3 average.  

Soybeans planted was 25 percent, near 21 last year, but ahead of 9 average.  

Canola planted was 36 percent, behind 42 last year, but ahead of 22 average. Emerged was 3 percent.  Sunflowers planted was 6 percent, near 4 last year and 2 average.  

Flaxseed planted was 28 percent, ahead of 22 last year and 13 average. Dry  peas  planted  was  60  percent,  behind  66  last  year,  but  well  ahead  of  30  average.  Emerged  was  23 percent, near 19 last year, but ahead of 9 average.  

Potatoes planted was 33 percent, behind 40 last year, but ahead of 20 average.  

Sugarbeets planted was 97 percent, equal to last year, but well ahead of 47 average.  

Pasture and range conditions rated 0 percent very poor, 3 poor, 26 fair, 64 good, and 7 excellent.  

Stock water supplies rated 1 percent very short, 9 short, 81 adequate, and 9 surplus.

Access the National publication for Crop Progress and Condition tables at: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/usda/nass/CropProg/2010s/2016/CropProg-05-09-2016.pdf

Access the High Plains Region Climate Center for Temperature and Precipitation Maps at: http://www.hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ACISClimateMaps

Access the U.S. Drought Monitor at:  http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/Home/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?ND

Source: ND Crop Progress and Condition Report

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