Farm Progress

Scan QR code to map invasive plants

USDA Forest Service asks citizen scientists to help map out invasive plant species.

October 17, 2018

2 Min Read
CALL TO ACTION: The USDA Forest Service and University of Missouri Extension are calling on citizens to help map invasive plants across the state. Location and identification of the plant will be congregated at the Mapping Missouri Invasive Plants survey site.

Invasive plants can spread more quickly and farther than ever before due to transportation and internet sales. These problem species are entering rural communities and farmland either accidentally or deliberately creating problems for farmers, foresters and gardeners alike.

The USDA Forest Service has developed a tool for citizen scientists and practitioners to report invasive plants in Missouri. Citizen scientists can now document the extent and severity of these invasive plants in the Show-Me State.

Invasive species are expanding from developed areas and threaten the ecological integrity and biodiversity of surrounding natural areas, including our national and state lands. This is why the USDA Forest Service, with our partners, developed a citizen science-based app to help map invasive plant species in Missouri. Knowing the location and extent of these plants will allow land managers to make informed management decisions. The app is simple to use, fast, convenient and free. We provide pictures and links in the app to aid in species identification. Whether you want to actively search for invasive plants or casually collect data while walking the dog in your neighborhood, your input will be invaluable.

Simply scan the QR code below with a QR reader using your smartphone camera to open the survey.

SCAN ME: Pick up your cell phone and scan this QR code to start mapping invasive plants around Missouri.

In addition, the USDA Forest Service is partnering with University of Missouri Extension to offer workshops this fall in Columbia, Jefferson City and Rolla.

• Oct. 30, Boone County Extension Center, 4 to 6 p.m.

• Nov. 12, Cole County Extension Center, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

• One workshop will also be held in Phelps County; however, the location, date and time has not yet been established.

These 2-hour workshops will help you better understand the ecology of invasive plants, how to identify invasive plants in Missouri, and will provide a tutorial on how to download and use the survey. You'll also leave with ideas for native plant alternatives in your home landscape. This is a great opportunity to hone your invasive plant ID skills and meet others in the community interested in Missouri forest-health issues. USDA Forest Service research foresters and research ecologists will be on hand to field any questions you may have about Missouri forest health concerns.

For more information about the citizen science invasive plant mapping app, contact Dacoda Maddox of the USDA Forest Service at [email protected]. For more information on the workshops, contact Hank Stelzer at [email protected].

Source: USDA Forest Service Northern Station, University of Missouri Extension

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